Chapter 4

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He slammed me against the hard wooden wall and gripped my neck with one of his strong hands. Leaning in towards me, breathing me in. He licks my neck and I feel like every inch of my body is covered in slime. I thought rotten broccoli was gross but this was a thousand times worse than eating rotten broccoli.

He then pushed his body onto mine leaving no space between us. Then whispered in my ear ''Don't ever try that again or that would be the last thing you do slut." His body on mine caused me to gag. " Do you understand me?" He yelled while slapping me across my face. I nodded quickly.

" Do you know how valuable you are? So many people want you! That means you are worth so much more than we intended. Don't worry the auction will be over soon and whoever pays the highest gets you slut. The starting bid will be 1 billion! Is that crazy or what just for a slut like you." He yelled excitingly.

I quickly woke up to the bell ringing. Did I really just fall asleep again in math? Yes, I sure did. Damn it! I quickly got all my stuff together and shoved it all in my purse.

When I was about to walk out the door Mrs.Cornwell stopped me. '' Mrs. Miller can you come to my desk for a second, please? ''

I walked over to her desk and smiled '' What's up " I asked

" What's up is that it's the third time you have fallen asleep in my class this week. " she gave me a disproving look.

I felt bad but didn't I don't know how she expect us to wake up at 6 am every morning and stay awake for 7 hours to learn about stupid things. We're only human for crises sakes. Well, some things will actually help us in life but other stuff won't, Like trying to figure out what X is I mean come on. Why does it matter what X is and how is this going to help us in the real world?

'' I'm sorry Mrs.Miller but math is not really my strong suit and it's hard for me not to fall asleep. I need intensive care when it comes to math. "

She looked into my eyes for a good 10 seconds before answering. It was quite creepy. '' I know that's why I assigned you a tutor. Do you know Charlie? ''

Of course, my tutor would be Charlie out of everyone. I don't know if that's bad or good. Bad because I don't want him to think I'm dumb. What if he even tries to make a move on me, we have been flirting a lot lately in class and at lunch. What would I even do? Would I allow it to happen if he tries? Just thought of us being in a closed room I think is waiting for a disaster to happen. The only good thing about it is that I know him, he's nice and could really help my struggling grade.'' Yes, I very much do know Charlie. '' I smiled.

" Perfect! Set up a tutor session with him every week so he can help you understand the concept of the lesson and if you don't do tutoring and I will know by your quiz grades. If it's below a C I will be a very unhappy person and you don't want to see me unhappy Faith."

Yep, my teacher just threaten me. Well, at least it's for my greater good. She is just trying to help, but still, that was kind of a threat. Oh, whatever.

" Will do Mrs. I plan on making you a very happy person with my C's."

I smiled and turned towards the door on the way out as she yelled and " Also, next time you fall asleep in my class you will serve a dentation after school.''

I ignored her and kept on walking its not my fault she bores me to sleep. But oh well it happens I guess.

It's been a week since I had dinner with Alex or Should I say, Mr.Ried. That Monday when I went to school I just acted as if nothing happened and he did the same. We locked eyes a couple of times and when I say a couple I mean a lot of times. It was a little awkward but since Wednesday I felt he was like ignoring me. I don't know if I'm going insane but he always made sure he didn't even look my way. Yep pretty sure I'm going crazy.

I look down at my watch and see it's time for sixth period World Fucking History. That is my worst and hated subject no offense but who cares about the past and world war II? I mean it is long gone they already died. That sounds a little harsh but it's true I just don't care.

Fuck it I'm skipping! I go to my locker to put my books away. I can feel someone watching me but I act like I don't see them and walk towards the door that leads out of the school where no administrators are. I keep on walking still sensing someone's eyes but I keep on doing my thing walking towards the door in the straight hallway going the opposite way of my class. As I reach to open the door I slightly turn around to see Alex looking at me fiercely with his arms crossed and a tiny little smirk on his gorgeous face.

Well Fuck I'm caught. Well, am I? You know what I'm definitely not going to World History today. I can't hear that teacher say World War II again or I will go crazy.

I flashed him a smile and walked out of the door. Damn, I just did that! That was kind of Badass.

Can you guys please leave me feedback on how you like it? If it's even good. Also, I know there are lots of grammatical issues I'm very bad about that. So I'm sorry for that. Comment 1-10 1 being the worst 10 being the best.

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