Chapter 21

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Today eighteen years ago I was born.

It is my birthday. The one that signifies my adulthood. I'm not a kid anymore. All I will have is my childhood memories. Ones that involved kidnapping.

Wow well, that just hit like a truck.

I stare up at my ceiling while laying in bed. Thinking back to my birthday last year. That's pretty much all I did. Of course, I got a cake but it wasn't a big thing my dad had to do more important things like run the country. Which is totally understandable. Things just take priority over my birthday.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by my grandma barging in with a tray in her hands. " Happy eighteenth birthday sweetie! Enjoy some breakfast in bed. "

 She is so sweet. " Aww thank you, grandma."

" I would hurry up and eat this if I was you. "

I gave her a weird look."Now, why would I do that? I want to enjoy every bite of my bed breakfast thing I have going on here."

My grandma gave me her little devil smirk. I was shocked she had it in her. "Alex is picking you up in about five minutes. "

I gave her a shocked face. "He is what now."

She started clapping her hands "You have no time to fool around get ready! You don't want him waiting. "

I shove my food in my mouth so much for breakfast in bed. I pull on some white jean shorts and a nice maroon top. I skip the makeup part seeing I have only two minutes left to get ready. I quickly brush my teeth and splash water on my face to wake up. Even though I'm pretty awake from my grandma's comment telling me Alex is coming over. I mean who could blame me? Just look at him. He is my teacher I tell myself while brushing the knots out of my hair, pulling it into a ponytail. I take a good look at myself, I am impressed on how I got myself ready in less than five minutes. It wasn't my best appearance but it will do.

Where are we even going?

Then I hear the doorbell ring my grandma quickly yelled " I'll get it "and then I hear Alex's masculine voice oh that voice makes my legs go weak. He is my teacher I tell myself again. I take one last glance at myself " Happy Birthday Addison." I tell myself.

I hear my grandma talking to Alex. I think it's time to show my face.

I walk out to the living room where they were sitting. I smiled

" Hello Alex "

He replied with a smile " Hello to you Faith. "

My grandma spoke up " Okay I think it's time for you two to get going."

Alex nodded " Shall we"

I smiled " We shall"

He takes me to my driveway where his sexy black hummer is.

"Did I mention how much I love your car? "

He laughed " Yes a little bit too much. "

I don't know why but I blushed at his comment" Oh shut it " I say while we jump into his car.

He starts the engine " I'm sure I told you. Your obsession is very unhealthy "

I laughed " Then I'm sure I told you it's perfectly normal. A lot of people are obsessed with cars "

He smirked " Then I'm sure I told you. It looks like your eye raping my car. "

I gasped " Then I'm sure I told you to shut it. "

He winked " That you did "

I rolled my eyes, Boys.

" So where are we even going? "

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