Poison Girl

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Lilith's POV :

Chris just held me keeping me safe as it feels I know now that's he's not gonna give me up apart of me likes that but the other part not so much I step away and head upfront and put my jacket on I turn to see the boys still here and Chris walking right behind me I just give Kuza a questioning look he just shrugged it off and grabbed his jacket as well "You got the keys" I say he nods I nod towards the guys as of saying 'Follow us we need to talk all of us' I make my way out side and open my silver BMW. And hop inside I hold my hand out to Kuza he knows what I mean and puts the keys in my hand the boys and I split up I start the car and start heading home Kuza puts in Asylum by Disturbed and I softly sing the lyrics.

In 10 minutes were home and Chris's car with the guys comes up into the drive way and step out I give the keys to the house to Kuza he goes and unlocks the door as I grab my bag and then I walk up and into the house our house consists of looking like the Haunted Mansion with beautiful gothic architecture and beautiful black and gold and purple staircase. I absolutely loved it I heard meowing and looked down "Oh there you are" I picked Jason up and cuddled him he started to purr extremely loud.

I kissed his head and then put him down I started to go into the kitchen and grabbed Jason's food and put it in his bowl he ran to it and started to eat I pet him and then went to the living room and sat down in one of the recliners and looked at my hands I heard footsteps and then a warm hand on my shoulder I looked up to see Kuza I scooted over and let him sit with me I cuddled with him you see this is what we did all the time we're that close.

I looked at the guys they were all staring at us with questioning looks "You know you can sit down right?" They all sat down either on the couch or the floor I took Kuza's hand and wrapped it with mine "It's ok to tell them Lu" I heard Kuza I nodded and he kissed my head.

"Ok I bet you guys have a lot of hate towards me and that's ok with me you need to but how but we start from when I left well Kuza and I thought of a plan the plan was to avoid you as much as possible during my time at the hospital as soon as I was back on my feet sober and healed we left grabbed our stuff and left without a word I couldn't bare the thought of being any more of a nuisance to you guys, you guys had already gone through my drug addiction shit and then my attempted suicide I just.... I didn't want anymore harm, you guys would be so much better without me you need to be away from me and it's ok if I have Kuza" I stare at Kuza and then back to the guys they had a look of sorrow on all they're faces it made me look down at Kuza and I's intertwined hands again. "Kuza has pretty much always been there and it's ok to have his support because I know you guys don't need me because ....because all I'm going to do is ruin your lives" I then look at Chris "Now I know probably some of you don't want to push you away cause you just found me again but you have to realize all I will do is hurt, burn, bruise and burn you and beat you black and blue I'm no good I'm poison like the poison that kills deeply with every breath in your lungs as when smoking a cigarette or the type a poison that eats away every bit of happiness in your life I'm just a Poison Girl that will never be tamed so leave, leave me don't get attached never do for I will ruin everything in my path I destroy everthing"

I'm so sorry I didn't keep to my promise about updating again I'm so sorry but finals are stressing me out I had to take 3 tests today and they weren't even finals so I'm sorry but since it's the weekend I'm gonna try to update about 3 to 4 times not a promise but I'll try love you lots my little bat creeps

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