If I Was Your Vampire

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Lilith's POV :

I woke the next morning in a daze ......did what really happened last night really happen or was it all a dream it had to be I was soon brought out of my daze by someone's arms clutching more tightly to my waist I looked down at the person's arms slowly tracing they're From Flesh 2 Steel tattoo and then it suddenly occurred to me that this is Chris's arms wrapped around me this really happened I then put my head back down against his chest because when I woke up I raised my head I snuggled deeper into Chris's embrace and listened to his heart.

A few moments later I heard a groan from him indicating that he has now woken up "I don't wanna get up" he groaned I gave a small grin "Babe we got to get up I've got to go to the shop today I got to talk to Ryan-Ashley about a replacement for her while she's gone and doing Ink Master season 8 in a couple weeks" he just groaned again and he rolled over laying on his back now with me sitting on top of him I gave a small giggle "Plus we gotta go check on the guys and see if they're still here even after my meltdown from last night" "But I wanna just stay here with you and have our own time to ourselves"

I think for a second well then I guess tomorrow it could just be us doing whatever we wish to do together. Yup that'll do I hum at Chris trying to get his attention so he doesn't go back to sleep .....god mabey I do need to get him his Starbucks before he wakes. He looks up at me as I start tracing my fingertips on his tattoos I hear what sounds like a hidden moan from him but I sure as hell heard it loud and clear.

"How but a compromise" I say "What type of compromise" he murmurs "Well how but tomorrow its just a me and you day all to ourselves bathing in each others company" he smiles a bit and my fingertips are still tracing his tattoos when his hand comes up to stop my hand I look up at him to see him biting one of his lip piercings then he mutters what I might add sounding very painfully "Babe don't do that" "Hmm why not" I tease "Because I suggest if you don't want to be pinned to this bed as I fuck you right now I suggest you stop wouldn't want us in bed all day do we" Now it was my turn to bite my lip.

I slowly got up from him and he just grinned at me "Go shower I'll be in here getting ready" I didn't have to take a shower because the night before I took one right before we watched movies I just had to cool off from what Chris had done. As he goes to take a shower I go to my closet and grab my Killstarco I Put The Fun In Funeral shirt my white skeleton jacket some black fishnet tights my favorite gothic combat high heeled booties my bat hand bag and I changes my phone case to a beautiful tree branches over the white exterior of it then I got started on my make up.

I did my pale foundation that oddly took forever to find to match my skin tone then I got started on thin eyebrows black smokey eye and a cat eye eyeliner on my top lids along with liquid eyeliner one the bottom and I little bit of mascara and to finish it off with black lipstick I then got started on my hair by taking a couple strands in my face and started to braid the strands and then I pulled it back with a bobby pin.

As I was finishing the finishing touches I heard the door open and I saw Chris in my vanity mirror his make up was already done and he was wearing one of his many Misfits shirts hid spiked jacket his leather pants and his gothic almost knee high combat boots with chains and spikes "Ready to go" he nodded I checked to see if I had everything and I did we went downstairs hand in hand and to see all the guys were still out I grabbed a pen and went in the kitchen and searched through the drawer closet to the fridge and got out the sticky notes and wrote "Me and Chris went to the shop I'm discussing with Ryan-Ashley about her replacement for when when she leaves to go do Ink Master love you guys see you's later -Chris&Lilith"

And then we were off to go to the shop

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