Lost In Darkness

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Lilith's POV :

I wake up to a dark room and murmuring behind the door "What was that about Chris what did you do she hasn't had that happen in years" "I didn't do anything I mean I went in her room to talk to her about something very important and she was drawing listening to music and humming and then she looked up and saw me she was so focused she didn't even realize that I was there until then she then looked down at her drawing and flipped out" I then heard paper unraveling "This is what she drew" I heard Chris say and then heard Kuza gasp in shock ".....Chris this isn't just a drawing....." "What do you mean Kuza" "This is really what happened with her on this drawing is really what happened"

I heard then Chris gasp in absolute shock I then hear him murmur an oh my god. I then got up and opened the door to face them they both looked at me cautiously then I heard the words from Kuza that I didn't want to hear "Lu did you take your meds" I look down shaking my head I look up again to see Kuza walking away then coming back 5 minutes later with my meds and a glass of water I quickly took them not even looking at Chris cause I could practically feel pain radiating off of him I brush past him going to my room and turning off my music and then getting in my covers and then start to feel self disappointment in myself.

I hated this feeling it was the worst I then closed my eyes hoping sleep will come to me once more but I just couldn't get comfortable then I felt warm hands wrap around my waist and hold me to a warm body and felt breath on my throat I then tensed up "Shh it's just me" I heard Chris say as his arms wrapped more tightly against me "Why didn't you tell me" I stayed silent for a couple minutes before replying "Because you didn't need to know" "Mabey I did wanted to know.......I mean I do I want to know what I missed through your life what's gotten better or worse I want to know all of that" I then turned towards him and stared into those eyes I fell in love .....what love wait god I'm so confusing.

"That's the reason Chris you shouldn't I'm just that girl who left you her best friends as well I'm that girl who had a drug addiction and didn't stop it until it was to late to stop which ended in with more and more scars on my body I'm nothing ......and I'm not worth your time even if you do want something with me"

He took my chin in his hand and said "You are not what you say you are I see a girl that's in so much sorrow and wants so much love but doesn't want it at the same time cause she's afraid of hurting the people she cares so much for again I see a girl who's afraid so afraid of so many things and doesn't know how to deal with the pain she feels and I see a girl that I could spend the rest of my life with"

I stare at him in shock ad he gently caresses my pale cheek then as I do a single tear falls down my cheek causing Chris to catch it we stare at each other for a couple more moments and then he crashes his lips to mine it didn't feel like a spark how they say it is it felt so right so so right I wanted more I moved my lips to him as a hunger burned deep within me for his touch I so longed for from the time I left to the time here and now.

These buried feelings can't buried no more I couldn't keep them buried this kiss was what I wanted what I needed I needed him especially all of him I relished in this feeling of just him and me that's all I ever wanted and now I have it.

Yay I acomplished what I wanted today get 3 chapters updated well hoped you liked it love you lots little bat creeps see you again soon

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