Liquid Fire In My Veins

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Lilith's POV :

My minds still puzzled from what I just heard but my anger has not changed not one bit I fake a smile on my face and head downstairs and then I think mabey this is karma's way of kicking my ass because I hurt the guys so much today I'm supposed to go hang out with Ghost, Ryan and Ricky so since I'm already ready and the guys went to there house this morning to take showers and get ready for today the door opens and in comes Ghost and the gang.

We had all agreed on which day of the week who got to spend time with me tomorrow Vinny,TJ and Balz and I are going to do something then after that Chris, Angelo,Kuza and I are going to do something today Ghost, Ryan, Ricky and I are going to go Christmas shopping we tell the rest of the guys we'll be back soon and we get in the car and drive to the mall and go inside a gothic music store called "Haunted Nightmares" I go to the vinyls and see they have music from today to all the way back to Smashing Pumpkins.

I grab the first album by "The Cure" and the first album from "The Misfits" for Chris then I go to the guitar picks and grab some for Ricky I make sure he doesn't see as I pick it up and keep hold of it when I get home I'll make sure to go online to get more presents and most definitely ordered presents for Ghost for Vinny I got him new drumsticks for Ryan I also got him guitar picks and for TJ I got him some short shorts from Hot Topic because I wanted to see if the boys would make another Motionless In White cops episode.

Now for Josh and Angelo they're gifts will have to wait cause right now I'm exhausted I tell the boys I'm heading home and they say that they're heading home as well I get to the house and head inside I hear nothing not even a sound meaning no one's here I get my phone and call Ryan-Ashley "Hello" I hear "Hey Ry" "Oh hey Lil what do ya need" "I think we need a girls night" "That sounds wonderful as of right now since I have been stressing about planning a wedding and the Ink Master stuff so I agree" "Yea well I need a small nap before any thing what do you say how bout in a hour or to you come over and we can get ready together" "That sounds perfect" "Ok see you in a few bye Ry" "Bye Lil" and then I hung up.

I went upstairs and stripped down in my underware and bra and got underneath the covers and closed my eyes and let sleep over take me.

▪▪▪Few Hours Later▪▪▪

I wake up to hear a door closing and someone coming up the stairs and my door opening I sit up and see Ry with a couple bags in her hands "Ry what are doing with those bags" "In these bags are the stuff we are wearing to a club" "Ry why do we have to go to a club" "Because you need some fun" I sigh and look down until all of a sudden the covers are pulled off and Ry grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bed shooing me off to the bathroom "You need a shower don't worry about clothes I've got it covered"

I cracked the door and stripped and got into the shower and turned on the water making it steamy soon I fished 15 minutes later and put on my robe and walked out of the bathroom and saw Ry sorting clothes from the bags onto my bed "Here" she said handing me what looked like lingerie it was a black and purple lacy thong with the same colored bra to match I went back in the bathroom putting on the clothing then hung my robe back up and then went back into my room and once again Ryan-Ashley handed me clothes and shoes "When your done putting them on come back in here and I'll get started on your hair and make up"

I went back to the bathroom once more and looked over the clothes turns out Ry knows me very well cause she gave a me a Killstarco dress that I have wanted for a while it had strings attached at the sleeves and it was black with white symbols and it was thigh length she also gave me some cute black and white skull heels with a skull charm at the ankle strap. I put the shoes and dress on everything fit like a glove.

I walked out and when Ry saw me she gasped then clapped her hands "Perfect now let's get started on makeup" she sat me down in my vanity chair and got started after 20 minutes my make up was done she wouldn't let me see cause right after make up she started on my hair I waited patiently and after 19 to 15 minutes she was finished I looked in the mirror to see my hair in low pig tails and my make up consisted of thin black drawn on brows dark red to scarlet red eyeshadow liquid black eyeliner with some dark red eyeshadow on bottom lids with a dots close to the left and right side underneath each eye and black lipstick I turned to see that Ryan-Ashley had already changed and done her hair and make up she works fast she was wearing a leather skirt with a cropped long sleeved black v-neck and she topped it off with some black and purple sparkly bowed heels. I grabbed a small clutch with my phone and my money and my I.D and I was ready to go I looked up at Ryan-Ashley once more to see her with her black clutch as well.

We soon got out of the house and into her car she started it and we were on our way we went to a club that she said she's gone to before it was called "Horror Asylum" we parked and headed our way inside we got in and went to the bar I ordered a brandy on the rocks and I heard Ry telling she wanted a fruity drink I looked over the club it was packed the lights were every where and fog was also being put on in the club I looked to see if anything interested me.

Until shock went over me in waves and then I felt the pain of my heart breaking in my head the horrid thoughts came back up from they're graves and returned in my mind saying that I deserved this that it should be expected of.

My body couldn't over and the breath from my lugs caught in my throat as I watched Chris with a girl with red hair and in a purple dress as they were kissing and grabbing hold to one another I heard Ry but I didn't look or hear her she followed my eye sight and gasped. I got up from my chair and started walk out a single tear trailing down my face.

Well how was that I will say this is the longest chapter in the book hoped you liked it so who's mad at Chris👋 me yea I know even the writer agrees even though she wrote it thanks for reading and love you lots little bat creeps until next update and the word count it 1291

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