Coraline Dreams, Coraline Nightmares, Coraline Reality's

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Lilith's POV :

I just sat there in my car taking into the news oh how it killed me inside some how I did feel like it was partly my fault how could it not be Kuza must of heard the news and went ape shit on Chris by getting him from the club and on the way home their argument must've caused then to crash.

I couldn't keep it in the sorrow I felt the guilt it was clawing me from the inside and tearing me apart everything I did was my fault hell we wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't gone to the club fuck I'm so stupid.

I didn't know but I still hadn't dropped the call on the phone letting Angelo hear my silence as he tried over and over for my attention. I couldn't do this no more no I couldn't bare it I had to leave them once more I just had to they need to be away from me for once and for all but I wouldn't leave just yet I'd visit them in the hospital then after that I'd go to my place grabbing as much stuff as I could and just if, if Ronnie could let me stay at his place till I could get back on my feet ....I think once I'll do that I'll head to Vegas somewhere the boys won't guess I would've gone to.

Yes that's it that sounds perfect I pick up the phone once more and for once in my life I'm not crying yes no more crying I can't handle it no more I said to myself making that promise.

"Uh..Ang umm I'll met you at the hospital ok" "Ok Lil be careful ok and just to tel you the guys aren't awake they're in a coma" I suck in a breath this news making my dread feel even worse.

"Oh ok but I want to see them anyway" "Alright well be here when you get here so you won't be alone" I hum a yes and then hung up before he could reply. I get out of my car and head inside. Almost trying not to break down and as I going into the house I run into a chest making me look up it was Ronnie just by looking at my face he took me up to my room.

And took my hand asking what was wrong "Chris and my best friend got in a car's all my fault it's my poisonous touch it happens with everyone I get close to" Ronnie looked at me "No its not I've been there to Lilith zip know what your going through I've gone through addiction as well and I just I know what your going through" "I need to get away I'm going to leave soon" Ronnie looked shocked to say the least to my news "Well how bout you come with the guys and me we originally live in Vegas" I laugh making him strangely look at me "That was my plan I was going to go visit them then go to my place grab as much stuff as I could then leave as note and then head to my shop and let Ryan-Ashley keep the shop running until Kuza wakes up and then I was going to leave and go to Vegas"

Ronnie then laughed at the irony of our situation "Well I guess sweet need to start this plan but I would like to officially introduced to the guys I've been telling them about you and they already love you especially Ryan he calls you his little gothic bat" I laugh again and then agree.

Ronnie takes me by the hand again and then dragged me downstairs to meet the rest of he guys officially with Ronnie
I feel so secure with him like he was the brother figure I've always wanted like that person who understands more than usual and that's always there when you need them.

"Guys this is Lilith" Ronnie said and then I looked at all of them and the only one I recognized was Ryan and then Ronnie started telling me who was who the guys with the blondish hair and a beard was Derek then the next guy was Christan and then after him was Zakk. Since I got introduced we started talking and then it felt we all knew each other and we're bonded in a way Zakk was like my own person that I could talk to when I needed advice, Derek well I could tell he was like my own 'let's go piss people off by doing pranks' kinda friend and then there's Christan he was just like one of those friends that would listen to whatever you had to say and wouldn't pick sides but would try to keep the balance in everyone's life.

I sighed then realizing I had to leave I told Ronnie I had to for the plan to be in action he nodded and understood he said as I was leaving that he'd fill in to the guys about our plan.

I got into my car and headed to the concert and as I parked and got out and went into the hospital my thoughts started to build up one on top of the other filling my mind with more wasteful horrid thoughts that I did not need I shut those thoughts away and went up to the receptionist asking for Chris and Kuza's room numbers.

She asked what relation I had to them I said I was Kuza's sister and Chris's girlfriend as a lie she then told me and let me in telling me their room numbers which were 13 and 17 as I walked I thought 'Here we go better finally say your goodbyes no longer seeing them you have to close this door and head to a new one"

Ok here we are I don't remember what chapter this is 20 mabey 21 but if it's 20 Yay I made it this far I'm so proud of myself I've reached this far for this story but hoped you liked it sorry I'd you don't like what's going on right now but more drama soon to come and there may be a time skip in the next chapter b thanks for reading love lots little bat creeps until next update

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