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Lilith's POV :

After going to the shop and telling about the plans to Ryan-Ashley we set up interviews we talk about who we would like to have a girl with tattoos and piercings and a great style with music after we set it up I asked Ashley if she could be a doll and do some special tattoos for me first I wanted to add to my Michael Myers tattoo that's on my right arm I wanted a trail of graveyard stones with the lyrics from Don't You Dare Forget The Sun by Get Scared "Well I know you lay in bed Contemplating your own death now just look at what you've done don't you dare forget the sun love" trailing through the grave yard and two more lyrics also by Get Scared ok so I love Get Scared don't judge the second of the three lyrics with be on my shoulder blade going down my back it's that much lyrics the song I chose was At My Worst and the lyrics
"Bleed me out
I know you're the first to listen
When I scream aloud
I'm coming clean again
And I will do my best to
Show you who
Who I was and who I am
Don't write me off
Please hear me out
My skin is so much thicker now
I feel it in my bones
Not feeling anymore
The writings on the wall
My scars are at the door
The worst is over my eyes are open
They can say whatever
They can say whatever they want
Tonight I'm not coming undone
They can say whatever
They can say whatever they want
And I'll throw it all away
You can see it on my face
And I'll throw it all away
Just to find my voice again"

And the last lyrics will be on my ribs and the lyrics are from the song Suffer still by Get Scared and the lyrics
"I felt the best side of me
To hide away and retreat
How will I last
From all the hell in my past
A battle out of my hands
Call me disaster and feel my disdain
So many moments that I can't erase
Cut you open and make you sick
Suffer, suffer, suffer like I did
Take the poison and lock your lips
Suffer, suffer, suffer"

I sit down in a chair and Ryan-Ashley starts on my the first tattoo I asked for I also asked for the graveyard head stones to have the names of everyone who's important in my life which are
•Ryan-Ashley herself
•Everyone in the tattoo shop

Chris was just watching silently siting in front of me while holding my hand the familiar pinching on my skin gave me quite a buzz nothings better than being tattooed the feeling is amazing a lot of people are scared because they think that tattoos are going to hurt when really it's all based your fears and how high your pain tolerance is it took about 2 hours for the first tattoo I got up and let her wrap it then I got on my stomach and took my jacket off and raised my shirt up and unhooked my bra and let Ryan-Ashley once again start to tattoo I had also asked with these lyrics to and vines intertwined with the lyrics and to have beautiful hibiscus flowers on the vines. Chris got up to stretch and asked if I wanted anything to drink I asked for some black coffee from Starbucks yes I like black coffee on occasion. Chris went and then that's when I knew Ryan-Ashley wanted answers to her questions.

"Sooo what's going in between you to" I groaned not at the pinching from the needle but from the question she just asked so I just answered truthfully "I mean we haven't made it official and I don't know what our relationship is Ry I just I want us to be something but I'm afraid I'm afraid that I'm gonna mess up again that this relationship isn't going to work out and we're both going to end up getting hurt" "That's what love is Lil love is bittersweet it's got its up and downs every relationship has problems but love can be difficult and it's confusing and all but look at Josh and me happily engaged in love with our kids Toronto and Casper and our new little kitty but honey it's all about communication and trust and if you trust this person fully and your communication with them is great don't give up ok I can see you guys getting some where" "Yea I know but about you and Josh how come you guys never told me you were together didn't you trust me" "Honey of course we did we just didn't want to freak you out because I know how you get"

After our conversation shortly after she finishes my shoulder blade/back tattoo and then I got up and let Ry wrap it and then she got started on my Las tattoo and then Chris came in with a bag and coffee he sat down and then kissed my forehead saying "Sorry I took so long I had to get food" I just smiled and said it was ok. He got back to holding my hand and munching on a cookie as he was almost done with it I took it from him and ate the last piece he just gave me a pout kinda like a puppy dog who got his bone tooken away I giggle "That is a wonderful sound" he said then Ryan-Ashley spoke up rolling her eyes while doing so "Ok love birds can you not" I giggle again and nod then Ry sys she's done away to go look in the mirror to see if I liked it or not the words were in a gothic caloigraphy with a beautiful tree that looked like it was from Tim Burton's Sleepy Hallow it was absolutely beautiful and I loved it but I didn't talk to Ry about it she must've knew it was missing something and added to it then in white I saw her little signature at the bottom of the tree I gasped and looked at her she smiled and said "I thought some should know that, that's my work and my signatures on all the tattoos I did for you today a little bit of me to you" I smiled and came up to her and hugged her thanking her for all the work she's she's done on me today.

Today was exhausting I let Ry wrap it up and went home and Chris went up to my room with me and we fell alseep immediately as our heads hit the pillow.

I woke up a couple hours later and I just couldn't sleep I had thought's in my head again I wanted to draw but in the other hand I didn't I didn't want what happened last time to happen again so I got dressed in my favorite Killstarco sweater and black again no white pants to match I picked out shoes for later if I was to go somewhere and went to my desk chair and sat in it getting my sketch book and got to work but as I worked my eyes got drowsy and slowly my eyes started to close in a peaceful slumber.

Tada I updated hoped you guys liked it well I also liked how I showed how Ryan-Ashley is she's real sweet isn't she I love her so excited for her Ink Master debut so I know I don't ask this but I might but I don't want to be a push over I would gladly like to know what you guys think of the chapter the characters and the story line so please comment I would gladly appreciate your out look along with if you could vote it makes me smile and makes me want to update faster so please if you could love you lots little bat creeps and thanks for reading

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