Wash It All Away

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Lilith's POV :

I woke up the next morning in Ronnie's warmth I thought of how I got in the bed and Ronnie beside me and then I found the best solution to why I'm in a bed with him sleeping beside me I must have cried myself to sleep and Ronnie didn't want to leave me alone because he thought I probably shouldn't be left alone cause I could do something bad. I got up from Ronnie's grip and then grabbed my duffel bag and changed into the clothes I brought.

Then I went to freshen up myself re-doing my make up and eyebrows and fixing my hair I put on my shoes and then went to grab a piece of paper and a pen leaving a note and to the rest of the guys which I have not met yet but I left a note saying that I was going to the mall and that I'd be back.

I headed up to the mall and when I got in I went directly to the Kill Star store yes here we have it and I'm glad we do though I don't know how I'd survive I went in and grabbed this black dress that had a hood,long sleeves, and at the bottom it had a piece of the dress that's longer than the other side I also grabbed a pair of black lace see through heels and then went up to pay as I was paying I thought I'm in need for a change....and then I figured out why not I'll change my hair color. I left the store trying to look for the best salon that would do my hair correctly and what I wanted.

In my troubled thoughts one became clear I got my phone and dialed a certain number. "Hello" said the voice "Ash I need your help" yep I needed one of my best friends advice her hair is gorgeous and I need to ask her where she gets hers done at. "I need your guidance" I heard her sigh and then she did this silly voice trying to sound like one of those magical beings that can tell your future and asked "What is it that you need dear one" "Hair guidance badly" I could tell she couldn't keep her act anymore cause right then she burst out with laughter.

I then laughed some "Ok so the hairstylist that I go to is called Nix and she works at a cute little shop called Tangled it's close to the mall by the way" "Okiee dokie Ash thanks for picking up" "We've been over this before Lili you can call me anytime plus the boys and I weren't about to do and show till later today so it's ok "Thanks again Ash" "Not a problem doll just be sure to text me more often" "Will do bye Ash" "Bye doll" and then the call disconnected.

I walked aimlessly around the mall until right across the street I sat the shop I got in my car and headed that way to the shop I parked and then got out going into the shop it was bright with color but had a few dark colors in contrast to make certain things pop.

As I was looking I didn't realize that a girl with bright pink hair and angel bites had come up to me "Hi how may I help you" I nodded at her then said "Yes please a friend of mine told me this is where I could get my hair done by a hairstylist that goes by the name of Nix" the link girl nodded her head then said "That would be me so let me guess was that friend Ashley Costello" I hummed and said yes she told me to go sit down in one of the chairs.

I did and then she asked what I wanted "I would like to dye my hair a different color" "And have you picked out a color" I nodded and then said "Since XMAS is around the corner I want white hair please" she nodded and then went to a door that's diagonally around from where I was sitting and then came back a couple minutes later with the dye in her hands and the rest of the equipment for my hair.

I dared not to look in the mirror until Nix was finished precisely 2 hours later I was told I could look I gasped at what nix had created my hair was so white it was a white as the snow I loved it and since my love for snow had made me love my hair even more I got up and hugged her and thanked her I got my wallet to pay and she stopped me in mid motion saying that it's on her and I said ok but left a huge tip in the tip jar they had.

I soon left and returned to Ronnie's I was about to get out the car when suddenly my phone started to ring I kinda ignored it but then it just kept ringing out of pure annoyance I picked up the phone hitting the green button and before I could utter a word someone else spoke.

"Lilith Rae Suicide finally you pick up the phone but that's not what this is about" said the voice and then I recognized it as Angelo's voice. "What Angelo you know I don't want hear anymore bullshit"

"Lil I'm afraid to tell but I have to" "What spit it out Ang"

"There's been a terrible accident Lil.........Chris and Kuza they've been in a car accident"

So more drama was it enough but I'm sorry I haven't updated in the past couple days I haven't been feeling well but I updated and yea I left you on a cliffhanger well hoped you liked it please vote and comment thanks for reading little bat creeps and love you lots but until next update

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