Chapter 2

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I don't know how I ran so fast, but when I stopped I was standing in front of a lunch table consisting of Katie and Beth. Neither noticed me yet, they are too distracted with their food and seem to be in a deep conversation.

Beth has long curly Auburn red hair, freckles all over her nose and cheeks, bright green eyes, and a body that I'm truly jelous of.

Katie has short chestnut brown hair, that unlike mine is always perfect without a hair out of place, deep brown eyes that you can't really appreciate unless she takes her glasses off, and is shorter than most girls at our school. 

Besides the obvious difference in looks, we're all extremely awkward at talking with other people. If someone we don't usually talk to comes up to us, we three just freeze and become extremely quiet. I have no idea why... It gets really annoying.

As if sensing that I had something really important to say, both Beth and Katie raised their eyebrows expectantly.

"You guys will not believe the horror I just went through." I managed to say before starting to cough. I really need to start working out, I only ran for three minutes but I'm already sweaty and out of breath.

"Well are you just gonna stand there and cough your lungs out or are you gonna explain why you were running like a maniac?" Katie asks with smile while Beth chuckles beside her.

"I was walking through the halls to get here when I noticed that it was, yah know, that time of the month again. So I ran to the bathrooms and took care of it, but when I got out I realized that it was the guys bathroom after seeing Chase Johnson peeing. So I screamed and he turned around and I freaking saw his loaf of bread! It was terrible. I freaked and he said something and then I ran out as fast as possible and now I'm here." when I was done both Katie and Beth looked at me with mouths wide open, probably letting it all sink in.

I on the other hand was reliving the experience and tried my hardest not to puke all over the floor. Agh I cannot believe I saw that, It's gonna be stuck in my brain forever now.

After a couple of awkward minutes of me just standing there with a horrified expression on my face and both Katie and Beth staring at me, they burst out laughing. I mean full on cackling, holding their stomachs with one hand and pounding the lunch table with the other laughing.

Why are they laughing? Did they not understand that I just went through a horrible life experience?

By the time they stopped everyone in the cafeteria was staring at our table, I'm pretty sure the lunch lady was calling the mental hospital right now.

I dragged both of my hysterical friends out of the cafeteria, and into the school's backyard, "guys stop laughing, this is serious."

"Ok, ok I'm sorry," but soon after Katie said that both of them started laughing all over again. Ugh why am I even friends with these people...

"So you're telling me, that you saw Chase Johnson, the school's most popular bad boy, peeing. But you didn't take a picture?" Beth got out between laughs. I smacked her on the head while rolling my eyes.

"No, not everyone is a pervert," I walked over and sat down on one of the benches that where scattered across the field.

They both followed behind me and sat on either side, they where still chuckling slightly. I couldn't blame them though, if this was reversed and one of them was in my situation I would be laughing my butt off too. Too bad it's not..

"Wow well now he's probably gonna notice you more, so that's a good thing right?" I looked at Beth with eyes wide open.

"Of course it's not good! He's horrible! He's probably gonna kill me or something after seeing him like that," I shivered at the thought of being confronted by him, I was probably over reacting, but there are stories going around that he beat a man to the point that he poor guy died. I don't really know if it's true but I'm not taking any chances.

"Aw come on he probably forgot all about it already," Katie said while looking around for something, "see he's over there kissing some sl- oh.."

I looked up to see what she was staring at, and found it. Through the cafeteria's windows, all I see is Chase's dark brown eyes staring back at me.

This is not good... definitely not good. 


Ok so I finally finished another chapter, agh I'm starving!


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