Chapter 13

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I gaped at the teacher for a few minutes, astounded at how ignorant and stupid he must be for believing Chase out of all people, but nonetheless scurried to the door after seeing a very angry Mr. Linson impatiently tapping his foot on the dusty floor. He's going to ruin his fancy, polished shoe if he keeps doing that on such a dirty surface.

Once I heard the classroom door slam shut behind me I knew that there was no escaping. I slowly looked up at Chase to find a very smug smile plastered on his face, "You have no idea how hard I'm trying not to punch that pretty little face of yours right now."

I managed to get that out without going completely ballistic, I don't have enough time in the world to express how mad I am that he actually, literally, convinced my teacher to let me skip class with him. And he didn't even try that hard!

If I ever tried to ask Mr. Linson to let me go to the bathroom he would simply glance up at me with an annoyed expression and shake his head. How is it that Chase, a delinquent really, gets whatever he wants without even trying?

"So you're saying that I have a pretty face?" He smirks but it drops a bit when he sees my unamused expression, "Hey, you should be happy that I just saved you from Mr. Ihaveastickupmyassandcantseemtogetitout back there."

Even though I tried, and trust me I did try, I couldn't keep a chuckle from escaping my sealed lips. And since my lips were sealed while I tried not to laugh, a snort came out along with the chuckle. Chase and I looked at each other for a second before we were both, as Mr. Linson so kindly put it, cackling like hyenas in the deserted hallway.

It took a while for either of us to calm down, and by the end of it my stomach started cramping like crazy from the excessive laughing. That's when I noticed that Chase had a really nice laugh, it was actually deep and smooth, and the harder he laughed the higher and louder his voice got. While his laugh was soothing and smooth, mine sounded like a pig having trouble breathing, snorts an all.

I'm surprised nobody came out of the classroom to check why there were pigs loose in the school, but I'm sure glad they didn't.

When I finally submerged from my deep thoughts, I realized that Chase had started to walk towards the school's exit. I quickly caught up to him and we walked together in a semi-awkward silence for a few minutes.

"You know, I haven't laughed like that in a long time." He surprised me by saying in a low voice. I don't know if I imagined it but I think heard a tad of sadness and looked up to find him staring straight ahead.

"Well then you need to more often. I heard that laughing burns calories and from what I can see, you need to loose some." I replied in a teasing tone, and was rewarded with a small smile that for some odd reason made me feel accomplished.

"So where am I being forced to go today?" My voice was void of any cheerfulness from the laughs we had shared just a few minutes go, I was finally back to reality. We where both seated in his very fancy Ferrari, that I have no idea how he could afford, and and were headed God knows where.

"Sadly I can't tell you that just yet buttercup." He soon smirked when noticing my irritation at the new nickname he picked for me.

"Buttercup? Seriously? Can't you come up with something less corny or cheesy?" I rolled my eyes when he pretended to think of something better, shaking his head no. I sighed, deciding to let the annoying pet name go since I only had to deal with it for four more days anyways, and leaned my head back on the surprisingly comfortable headrest.

With closed eyes I tried to rest but suddenly remembered that this was my first time skipping classes, and I knew that when my mom found out I would be thrown off the nearest cliff. Even though I've always wanted to find out what free falling felt like, I wasn't ready to die just yet.

"Johnson, you do know realize that you're gonna have to come up with an amazing excuse as to why I'm not at school right now. Or else I'm gonna have to tell my mom that I was dragged and kidnapped by you to save myself from her wrath." I shivered when thinking about how mad she was going to be over this. Although she was a therapist, it didn't take much to turn her into a raging Hulk.

"Don't worry about it, I got it all covered." He sends me an easy smile and I once again discover something new about Chase, he has a dimple on his left cheek. I haven't seen it before since he rarely smiles, and when he does it's a very small upturn of his lips, and they're always gone as fast as they come.

I make it a mission to find out if he has only one dimple or two, for some reason I had to witness what he looked like when full out smiling. I'm not sure why he didn't more often, I bet it would get him even more girls in bed. My face scrunches up in disgust when remembering what a player he is.

"Why do you look like you're about to stab me?" I'm confused before realizing that I've been staring at him for a while now, and I guess my face turned murderous or something.

"I just remembered what an inconsiderate, grade A butthole you are." He peeks at me for a second before his eyes go back to the road, his face showing clear confusion before I continue, "Don't think I've forgotten how many girls start sobbing when they see you at school, or how you stole that girl's virginity for a bet a few weeks ago. Do you not feel the slightest bit of guilt when you see them crying and begging you to stay?" My voice getting sharper at the end.

Chase looks straight ahead and I see a flash of emotion cross his face, but it's gone to fast for me to identify what it was. He pulls himself together and smirks, "It's not my fault that girls throw themselves at me."

I think my glare scared him a bit because he decides to explain, "Well have you ever seen me actually go up to a girl and make a move or something?"

Now that I think about it, I haven't. Not that I'm stalking him but he is known for not starting conversations with people, I shake my head and he continues, "So when girls come up to me, and start flirting and whining; until I say yes they won't go away. I just give 'em what they want sweetheart, they know what they're getting into. As to you saying I took a girl's virginity for a bet, that isn't true. You know better than to believe a rumor."

Even though I won't admit it, he's right.

Everyone at our school knows that he never stays after doing the deed, so they know what to expect. As to the rumor, I feel kind of bad for believing each one I hear about Chase. I do still think that he should say no to the girls and stop being such a prick, but I doubt that's going to change anytime soon.

"We're here." I look out the car window and once again, am confused as heck.

What the fudge are we doing in this dump?


Sorry for the short chapter, but I decided to give you all one this week and the next one is going to be way longer:)

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! I hope all of you have an amazing, magical, and INCREDIBLE year full of new opportunities and blessings! Thank you for making this a great year for me as well💜


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