Chapter 10

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I don't know if you've ever broken into a building before, but it's the most amazing feeling ever! 

I've never felt so alive! With my adrenaline pumping, running around, the uncertainty of being caught, searching through the endless amount of books, and maybe getting expelled for breaking into a freakin library. 

I hope you all know I was being sarcastic, this is the most horrible and stupid thing I have ever done. At the same time I haven't really done anything bad before... The most daring thing I've accomplished in my whole life is watching the Star War movies out of order, I am a legit rebel.

I don't know how many stacks of books I've gone through in the past hour, but I don't think I'm going to ever pick up another one after we finally find that stupid book. If we do end up finding it, there better be a map to find the City of Gold inside because I did not just waste my valuable time for nothing.

The title of the book Chase is making me search for is Looking for Alaska by John Green. I actually own that book, but even though I begged, wailed, and complained I couldn't convince him to just take my book instead. All I got out of it was Chase getting really annoyed and shouting at me to shut up and start looking. 

I glance up at the clock hanging on the wall and realize that we've been in here for almost two hours, do you know how much I could've done in two freaking hours!? That's it, I'm done with this. This library is not nice enough to spend more than half an hour in. 

"Chase. I am done, I give up! That stupid book is nowhere in here! Lets just go. I don't know what is in that book but what I do know is that you need to move on and forget about it." I'm pulling at my hair so now it's sticking up all over the place, I'm way too agitated, and I'm pretty sure that I have a crazed look in my eyes.

I probably look like Big Foot's twin... Actually, Big Foot probably looks like a Victoria Secret's model compared to me right now. 

 I have absolutely no idea how it happened, but I was suddenly trapped between a book shelf and Chase's crushing body weight. It's like my brain turned off for a moment, then turned on, and it took a while for me to concentrate on how the fudge Chase transported over to where I was standing so fast.

Before you misunderstand, this was not one of those, 'He had me against the wall and it was so sexy omfg!!' No, no, no... Sadly it wasn't, I mean he looked extremely sexy but he was pissed. 

I try to remember what I said that got him so angry, but my mind goes blank. I'm kind of zoned out while staring at his face.

There is almost no space in between us. Both of his hands are on either side of my face, gripping the shelf behind me. His face is extremely close and I can feel this breath on my face. I can tell he's trying to control his breathing. Sheesh, someone needs anger management classes..

While he's deciding whether to kill me or not, I'm studying his facial features.

I'm pretty sure I just made the most amazing discovery of human history. Chase Johnson has green eyes... They are the most amazing color I have ever see... What the crap, first the scars now this? Am I always this ignorant?

His eyes are enthralling, like sparkling kaleidoscopes of color. They're irish green, but also ocean blue. Dashes of chesnut brown speckled his irises. And for some reason, they looked like they had seen a lifetime, when in reality they've only seen a fraction. 

His intense gaze was peircing through me, and for the first time since I met him; I could finally see some emotions. I could finally understand how he is really feeling; bitter, enraged, furious, and exasperated.

It took all of my self control and strength not to pee all over the place. I've never been so terrified in my life. All the stories and rumors of him fighting and hurting people come back to me. Hmm I wonder if that guy he was rumored of killing was in the same predicament as me, too lazy and stubborn to look for a book with him.

"Do not.. ever.. say that the book is stupid. Don't tell me to fucking move on. You have absolutely no idea what happened. That damn book it the only thing I have left. If we don't find it today, we will come back every single day until we do." His husky, gravelly voice is filled with so much desolation, misery, and pain that I dare not look in his eyes any longer. 

I feel him pushing himself off of the shelf and I can finally breath. The book obviously means a lot to him, and apparently it's a big part of whatever happened in his life to make him so miserable. 

Wow... I guess there is a story behind this badboy... 


You all are gonna flip when you find out his story.

It's not gonna be one of those cliche backstories. I'm positive you all are gonna be really surprised. :) 

Anyways, I FINALLY UPLOADED!!! How long has it been!? About 5 days? 

I really hope you all like this one, it took some time to write hahah too much describing :P


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