Chapter 5

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"Hey Jess, how was your day?" my mom asks the second I step through the door. I swear she looks out the window till she sees my car, then gets ready by the door everyday. 

"Um.. it was interesting I guess, I'll tell you about it later. Gotta go do something first" I quickly hug her and run up the stairs to my room.

I flop down on the bed and take out the Walmart bag from my backpack, revealing the delicious chocolate bars. I bought about 20 bars in all, it might be a lot but yah got to be prepared! It probably won't even last a week anyways. 

While munching on my chocolate, I get on my computer and Facebook message Beth and Katie, letting them know that I lost my phone. There is no way I'm telling them about the whole encounter with Chase though, not until tomorrow at least. I want to take a nap and I'm not ready to answer a thousand questions, especially Beth's which will most likely ask if he smelled good or if his hands are soft. 

I get comfortable in bed and close my eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep....

I shoot up straight in bed, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I look all around me, trying to get a sense of where I am, and sigh in relief when I realize it was just a dream. Well it was a terrible nightmare. Images flash through my head all at once. How will I be able to sleep after that?! 

I dreamt about accidently enetering the guys dressing room at school, and not being able to get out of it for some reason. It was like all the guys either couldn't see me, or didn't care if I saw them butt naked. It was horrifying! 

And it's all thanks to Chase, emotionally scarring me... but I know it's really all my fault for being my clumsy, forgetful, stupid self and not seeing the little stick figure on the bathroom door. 

I think I've had enough sleep for today. I get up and check the time, 7:58 p.m., wow I napped for more than three hours! I start stretching a bit and then go do my homework, making sure to check it afterwards so I don't miss anything. 

Afterwards I head downstairs and notice that I could really use some dinner right about now. I walk down the dimly lit hallway, making my way towards my parent's room without stubbing my toe on anything. Once I get to the bedroom, I silently open the door a bit and peek through; making sure that my mom isn't taking a nap. Instead she's sitting on her desk, no doubt typing a document on the laptop.

I knock lighty on the hard surface of the door, "Hey mom, Do you want me to just order pizza?" 

"Sure, get a medium one. With some coke!" I go over to the home phone and dial Pizzahut. Yum, cheese filled crust.

I then go upstairs, get into my comfiest pijamas, and put my hair into the messiest bun possible. I don't even think you can call it a bun, it's just a bunch of hair going in different directions on top of my head. 

After a couple of minutes I hear the abnoxious door bell and go downstairs to answer it, what I wasn't expecting was James Marten to be standing on the other side holding a pizza box and two cokes.

James Marten is the guy I've had a crush on since middle school. He has messy light brown hair, it's as if he never combs it, but I think it looks adorable. James is not well known at school, he's just a normal guy who has average grades and a very sweet personality. 

I don't really know what made me like him so much, it's not like he talks to me at all or is extremely hot. I guess it was that one day in middle school when he helped me up after some kid pushed me down trying to get to class. Since then I've pretty much stalked him at school... but have never actually talked to him. 

"Uh.. um.. h-hi James!" I awkwardly stand by the door in my pink pijamas, which says 'Mommies Princess' on the front, and I'm pretty sure my hair would make an incredible bird nest right now. Let just say I don't look very attractive. 

"Oh hi.. Jessi is it?" he smiles and then chuckles when he sees what I'm wearing, "by the way, I love the pj's." 

By now I'm blushing like crazy, why can't the world just end right now. Like right this second?

"Erm.. ah yeah thanks.. so you're the new pizza guy?" I ask, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Yeah! Just started today, anyways here's your order. That'll be $17 please." I hand him the money and watch him walk away looking amazing in his work uniform, I mean those pants make his butt look incredible! 

I really need to stop with the perverted thoughts... I close the door and put the food on the kitchen counter. That was so embarrassing! What have I done to deserve all this? Is it karma or something!? 

I tell my mom that the food is here and go up to my room real quick to check if Beth or Katie responded. But when I log on, I immediately get a notification saying that I have a friend request. Wow it's been a while since I've gotten one, I quickly click the mouse and wait to see who's asking to be my friend. It's probably one of those really weird kids at scho-

You have GOT to be kidding me.

Chase Johnson wants to add you as a friend. 


kaaayy i know it's kind of slow right now, but it gets better DON'T WORRY!!!

So guys how are ya'll liking it? 


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