Chapter 17

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The car ride home that night was deadly silent. I think my mom's emotions switched from extremely relieved to extremely pissed and I'm extremely terrified of what'll happen when she blows. Now that we're getting closer to the house maybe I'll be able to sneak away fast enough and go to sleep before she has the chance to recite the whole psychological speech she's thinking up right now.

I was still shocked at how much Chase opened up to me. Even though he didn't really explain much he still told me a huge part of his childhood, and now I kind of understand why he's alone most of the time. I'm still going to smack him several times for getting me thrown in jail, but maybe I'll take it down a notch.

Snapping out of my thoughts I see that we're already parked in our driveway, but before I can open the door and sprint to my room my mom takes a deep breath signaling that she's about to speak. "Jessi, don't even think about it," her voice was a bit too calm for my liking. "I want to ask you about that boy you were in the cell with."

I turn and look at her with a confused expression. "Um, that's Chase, remember? The guy who stole my phone?" she nods but still seems a bit baffled. I thought we were done and was about to jump out of the car, but my mom decided it was time for 20 questions, Chase edition.

"What's his last name?"


"How old is he?"


"Did he move here from another state?"

"I don't know.."

"Is he troublesome?"

"Er.. just a bit."

"Are you guys doing the dirty?"

"What? No! Ew no, no! Why are you asking all these questions?" I huffed while my cheeks turned red at the thought.

"Well, his face reminds me of someone, but it couldn't be who I think it is," I can literally see her mind trying to work out whatever she's so puzzled about. By now I'm committed to getting out of this car, I slowly inch my hand towards the handle and wait for the right moment to sneak out.

A few seconds later she lets out a loud yawn and glances over to me again. I can see the bags under her eyes and realize just how tired she must be. "Okay, I'm going to let you go to bed since it's so late and I'm exhausted," I silently cheer but once again get interrupted when trying to open the door. "But don't think you're getting off the hook for getting arrested. You are going to tell me everything that happened tomorrow, then we'll decide your punishment."

I nod and finally get the chance to open the car door, but when I pull on the handle I realize the car was locked the whole time. I roll my eyes when I hear my mom chuckle. "I know you too well," she says.


The following morning my mom decided that I was going to miss my first two classes so that I could explain to her in detail what all happened the day before. She ended up not very gracefully snort laughing her way through the whole story, which I expected. In the end she said I was grounded for the rest of this semester, and that I had to wash the dishes every day until the grounding was over.

Being grounded for me basically meant that I wasn't allowed to leave the house for anything except for school or work, which wasn't that bad since I usually didn't go out much anyways. I'm not sure how Chase is going to take the news though, since we still have four days left until the deal is over.

She let me leave at the exact time my lunch begins, which benefits me greatly since it gives me the chance to drive by Mcdonalds and get myself a big mac meal to eat at school. I can already feel the judgment I'll get when the size zero models see me stuffing my face with fries.

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