Chapter 14

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"Are you ever going to come out?" Chase asks, smirking that stupid smirk as he knocked on the car's window.

"No," I said sulkily, as I scowled at him, refusing to get out of the car.

It doesn't take long for Chase to open the car door and drag me out by the arm, and not very gently may I add.

"Are you sure doing this isn't illegal?" I ask once I'm completely out of the car, harshly slapping his hand away from my arm.

Chase frowns at me while rubbing his hand, he's such a baby, "No, I have no idea if it's legal or not. Frankly I don't care if it isn't, but there's no sign saying we can't, and it's rightfully mine anyways."

This might actually be worse than the whole library fiasco. He wants me to help him find something in this smelly, deserted, and humongous landfill. "What are we looking for exactly?" I complained.

"A watch!" he called over his shoulder as he walked closer to the smelly heap or rotting foods and plastics. I honestly don't understand how his brain works, obviously there's something wrong with his mental state if he thinks that we'll find a tiny watch in the midst of this huge dump.

"Can you at least tell me what it looks like?" It was one thing to try and find just any watch, already a hard task, another to try to find a specific one.


Sighing and muttering the whole way, I follow Chase up the tiny hill leading up to where the awful stench of rotting food is coming from. I curse the day I walked into that stupid bathroom, maybe if I would've just paid more attention to where I was going I could've avoided all of this.

"Wow," I can't help but stare in amazment at the amount of trash scattered everywhere.

While it was mostly white and black trashbags littered everywhere; there where a ton of old cars, rusted and compacted, laying in a pile at the corners of the landfill. Any kind of material thing you could think of was somewhere in this dump. There was also an abundance of Gulls and other species of birds all over the place, feeding off the rotting food.

I turned to Chase and noticed that he looked pretty intimidated, he better have a heck of a plan to find this valuable watch of his.

"Well lets start digging."

I have a newfound respect for the brave men and women that pick up the city's trash and take it to the landfill every week. I don't know how they stay sane with all these fumes up in the air. I think I'm starting to hallucinate because I swear a Gull just talked to me.

I can't begin to explain the amount of horrible things I've found so far. The worst thing for me though, was all the naked babydolls that were literally everywhere.

Walking around aimlessly, I started kicking stuff around, hoping that by some miracle I would find the stupid watch. So far I've found about five different watches, but none of them were approved by Chase.

Now I don't know how this idiot thinks I'm going to find his exact watch without telling me what it looks like, but hopefully he'll find it and I can finally go home before I go insane.

I decide to do something that I promised myself I never would. I get down on my knees, and start searching with my hands. It takes everything within not to puke at the thought of how many germs and diseases I'm probably going to get from doing this and try to focus on what I'm looking for.

Five minutes go by with no success. I keep going though, because if there is one thing that we all learned from Justin Bieber is Never say Never.

Yep... These landfill fumes are seriously getting to my head.

I'm about to give up when I see a black wristband poking up from the pile of unrecognizable trash items. I hold my breath, and pull on the band. Please good Lordy let this be it!

To my utter happiness it was, in fact, a watch! And an expensive looking one as well. The wristband and the face of the watch are black, while it has a gray metal sorrounding. There are also little beads that look like crystals on the metal part.

I quickly stand up while looking around, trying to locate Chase in the midst of all the heaps of trash. I finally spot him on the other side of the huge landfill. I sigh and start making my way towards his figure; which is kneeling on the ground and digging around like I had been a couple minutes ago.

I'm praying to the watch gods that this is the one. I've never actually liked watches, I always thought they were a waste of money if you already had a phone. I promise that I'll stoping hating on watches and go buy myself one right after this if the one I found it the right one.

By the time I get close to Chase he's already standing and glancing at me. I can see the hopefulness in his eyes and I'm really curious on why he loves the watch so much. I quickly make a mental note to ask him about it later.

"I think I found it!" I hand him the watch and wait expectantly. This is so intense.

"Hmm," he peers up at me, then down at the watch; his eyebrows knitted together in concentration as he examined it closely.

His eyes light up and I start squealing. I haven't been this excited over something since the Star Trek remake first came out a few years ago.

I can't wait to get home, have a hot bath, drink some hot coc- "This isn't it."

I have no idea how it happened, but something in me just snapped and I couldn't control myself. I laughed humorlessly, knelt down, picked up whatever was close, and threw it at him.

The used baby diaper smacked him right in the face, and it seems that it wasn't a very old one since some dark poop was left on his nose as a result.

"I-I... Oh my gosh.. I can't breath," tears were streaming down my face from laughing so hard, and I couldn't stop. Chase just stood there in utter shock, his face contorted in horror and his eyes crossed as he stared at the poop on his nose.

"Hey Chase... Your face looks like crap!" I was basically rolling in the garbage now, and my stomach started huting. I wouldn't be surprised if I had abs by the end of this.

My laughter soon came to an abrupt stop when I saw Chase stalking towards me, holding the open diaper in his right hand. An evil glint in his eyes.

"Chase. Drop the diaper," All humor in my voice now gone. I looked around me for some sort of weapon, but sadly I was surrounded by plastic bags.

"I don't think I will buttercup," he chuckled as he got closer and closer towards me, but by the time I finally came to my senses and was about to sprint away , we got interrupted.

"Hey! You are not authorised to be in here!"


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