Chapter 15

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Well isn't this just great. Chase and I are being dragged to the little landfill office, which I didn't even know existed. 

Huffing and puffing I tried my hardest not to scream at Chase for getting me into all this mess while the grumpy worker led the way to his manager. The name-tag on his dingy uniform had 'Jim' printed on it, and let me just say that Jim was not the least bit happy when he saw us "runnin 'round starting up trouble" as he put it. Jim was not a forgiving man by the looks of it either, since he merely blinked when I got on my knees and begged him not to tell anyone and promising that we would be gone in a flash.

His stone-hard facial features let me know that he was a very serious man, in his late 60's who couldn't afford to loose his job. Of course I didn't understand why he would rather work in a literal garbage can instaed of trying his luck somewhere else. I'd think anyone would pick Mcdonalds over this. I've been proved wrong by Jim though. 

Chase was not helping, not that he ever really did, by arguing with poor Jim, "Last time I checked there is no sign saying that we can't come in here and look around,"

"Then you weren't looking hard enough son," he lazily points a calloused hand towards the iron gate that surrounds the property, and I finally notice a tiny blue cardboard square stating that trespassing is not allowed.

I outwardly face-palm myself causing not only Chase, but Jim to give me a 'no funny business' glare before turning his head back around and concentraiting on not tirpping over a rotting pumpkin.

How did I not see that stupid sign!? My suspicions where correct though, it was in fact illegal to walk into a dump without permissions. I gave Chase a glare that would land him in a grave if looks could kill. The prick of course just smirked so I went ahead and threw him the bird for good measure. 

"Jim, please tell me that your manager is a sweet old lady with a love for children," Jim and I have formed a kind of bond I suppose, treading through used toilet paper and tampons can bring people closer I guess.

"She is actually the complete opposite kid. She's in her early 30's and has a blazin' hate for teenagers." I was relieved nonetheless, I can relate better with females, so maybe I can get us out of this one by using my charm. Well Chase could probably flirt and complement us out of trouble as well.

Chase gives me a knowing glance and nod, letting me know that he's got this one under control. As we get closer and closer to the tiny office I feel my nerves escalating. Who knows in how much trouble we might be in, for all I know we could got to jail for this. Okay probably not, but I wouldn't know.

"Do you guys keep any of the stuff from out here in the office?" Chase really needs to keep his mouth shut right now and forget about his watch.

"Actually we do. If we find anything fancy lookin' we do have the option of either keeping or selling it. It's one of the perks of working here," so that's why he works here! He can keep anything he wants, and that is a pretty good deal since almost everything in this dump isn't actually trash. Most of it is in good shape.

"Okay, so do you know if anybody found a watch this week?" I can hear the hope laced into his voice.

Jim stops abruptly and turns around to face us, "is that what you where doing? Looking around for a watch you threw in the trash? Are you two stupid anough to think you can find such a tiny object here!?"

"Right? That's exactly what I told him!" I am so glad Jim sees this from my point of view. Hopefully Chase will understand just how impossible his ideas are.

I'm sure Chase felt slightly uncomfortable with both of us staring at him with crazy expressions on our faces, he finally shakes his head, "Look, that's not the point. Just answer the question Jim."

"Well I think Stan found a watch a few days ago. I don't expect it to be the one you're looking for though, and even if it is 'ol Stan wouldn't give it to you," Optimistic is one of the numbered traits that Jim does not contain.

"We'll see about that. I can be very convincing," I roll my eyes and pray that we can leave as soon as possible since I have work today.

After about ten more minutes of Jim retelling his exciting, adventurous life experiences in the landfill; we finally make it to our destination. It's not that Jim's stories didn't make the hair on the back of my neck stand, or make my skin rise up in goosebumps; it's just that I've had enough of this awful stench for today, or for the rest of my lifespan really.

The tiny gray building couldn't be bigger than my kitchen and living room combined. It seemed to be a bit old since the gray paint was starting to chip off in random places, and the two windows desperately needed to be cleaned. Jim went ahead and opened the glass door and held it open until I stepped inside, a little ding was heard and that's when I noticed the little bell hanging on top of the door frame. I smile at him and laugh when he lets the heavy door shut in Chase's face. That's what he gets for all those times he did it to me. 

Chase frowns but opens it for himself nonetheless, "that old man gets on my nerves," he whispers in my ear when Jim is just a few feet away.

I shake my head, ready to defend my newfound friend, but Jim beats me to it and smacks him on the back of the head. Wow, and I thought hearing was lost the older you got. Jim once again proves me wrong. 

I can tell Chase is trying to hold back from punching the guy so I try my best to reason with him, "calm yourself, he's the only chance you have at finding your watch. Keep him on your good side, if he still is anyways. Plus, Jim is awesome."

"Well, well, well sweetheart. I didn't know Jim was your type. My grandpa's friend is single if you want his number," my cheeks start heating up and I"m just glad that Jim is in the manager's office right now.

"Hey Chase, you still have some tangy butt nuts on your face," I stifle a laugh when his face contorts into one of annoyance. Jim used that phrase when he saw the chunk of baby poop on Chase's nose when he first found us. 

"Okay she's ready to see you. Good luck Jess, you too toxic turd," I chuckle and give Jim a high-five while going into the little room that he came out of. I can hear Chase groan and follow me into the room. I glance at him and notice that he's as surprised as me.

This is gonna be fun...

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