Chapter 7

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"Wow, so you have to do everything he tells you for a whole week?" currently Katie, Beth, and I are at lunch, and I just finished telling them about the whole Chase thing.

"Yeah Katie, that's what I just said." I was beyond cranky and depressed right now, how did going into the wrong bathroom create all of these problems?

"I don't understand how you're not beyond happy about this," Beth looks at me and shakes her head, "if I were you I'd be jumping up and down in excitement. You get to hang out with the hottest guy at this school."

I roll my eyes and look down at the inedible peice of meat on my tray, I grab my fork and start playing with it. Chase is really attractive, but his personality drives me nuts. I don't know how I'm gonna spend time with him for a whole week without being sent to jail for murder. 

"You know what, I think this is great for you. It's been a while since one of us has socialized with any other male student in this school, and even though this is Chase Johnson, it's still something." I glance over at Katie and then at Beth, who's nodding in agreement. 

"Look, Chase is a complete butthole. I don't want to talk to him! Do you guys not see how mean and pissed off he is all the time? He doesn't even have a reason to be so rude." They need to realize that Chase is not some innocent, sweet guy I can become bffs with. 

"Oh come on, he's not that bad. I bet Chase is actually a great guy, and you know nobody at this school has actually been friends with him before. So we don't really know what he's like.." I feel my anger swelling up inside of me, how can she be defending him!?

"What? Do you not see the hundreds of girls he lies to and manipulates? Just last week he took Angie's viriginity for a bet! Is that not heartless? He is a total prick and a manwhore! And I'm pretty sure everyone at this school knows every little thing that happens to him!" I try to calm down by doing breathing exercises, but they're not exactly helping.

I'm gripping my fork so hard that it's about to break in half, and my nuckles are turning white. I let go of it and put both of my hands on my lap, playing with the hem of my shirt.

Katie and Beth seem really surprised at my outburst and it takes a while before either of them speak. I don't think they've ever seen me this mad or anxious before. I dont' even know why I'm so worked up, stupid hormones. 

"I'm sorry, you're right. I shouldn't be defending him after all he has done and keeps doing... all I'm saying is that we don't really know the real Chase. I'm pretty sure there's more to him than meets the eye." I look at Beth, confused as to why she's talking like this. I don't think I've ever heard her say something about a guy that doesn't have to do with their hottness. Has she been talking with my mom recently? 

"Have you been talking with my mom?" Beth cocks her head to the side, staring at me with a really  perplexed look on her face.

"Um no? Why would I talk to your mom?" I shrug before picking up my tray and walking over to the massive trashcans in the middle of the cafateria. 

Just when I'm about to head back to my table, I start getting that eerie 'some creeper is staring at you' feeling. I glance around the lunch room until I find the source. Chase is sitting there, his table occupied with around 20 people, about 6 girls sitting and standing around him trying to draw his attention. His eyes are trained on me, even though all the girls crowding him are extremely desperate. 

As soon as I stared back at him it's as if something inside of him snapped. Surprise flashed in his dark eyes, but soon he continues to act as if nothing happened. He looks away, going back to flirting with the surrounding girls, who are literally drooling on his shoulder.

This is really freaking me out. Everytime I catch him staring at me, he has this really weird look in his eyes. It's as if my face triggers all of his hidden emotions to fight their way to the surface... is my face really that horrifying?

The school bell starts ringing and pretty soon there's a stampeed of people coming towards me with their trash. That's when I realize I've been standing by the trash bins this whole time, I must've looked pretty weird to everyone else. I quickly get out of the way before everyone starts pelting me with food and utensils. 

I grab Katie and Beth, quicky pulling them out of the cafateria before everybody else so that we don't have to deal with the pushing and yelling. 

"Come on guys, lets get this day over with." I grumbled while we made our way to Biology, where I'm sure the staring will continue. 


So i decided to update since idk how long it's been since the last one, It's late and I'm exhausted, so this chapter might not be that good since I was falling asleep while writing it Lol

How's everyone doing? Anything interesting happen?


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