Chapter 12

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The next day I find myself hiding every time I see Chase, I'm planning to get away from school without him spotting me, and if it takes me looking like a pathetic excuse of a ninja, I'll do it.

I'm pretty sure he's seen me a couple of times already, and he probably thinks that I've finally lost my sanity, maybe he's realized that I'm not suitable to be his slave for the week.

Currently, I am walking down the hallway; looking both ways to make sure that Chase is nowhere near, and getting ready to go into my web design class when all of a sudden my eyes make contact with some familiar green ones across the hall.

I think fast and hold the web design textbook in front of my face in hopes that he didn't recognize me, but it seems that God is really out to get me...

"Um.. what are you doing?" I can hear the humor laced in his voice before I see his dark green eyes peering at me from above the heavy book, "You know that I've seen you every time you sprinted away right?" He takes his hand and slowly pushes the book down until my face is fully exposed to the world, a small smile on his face when he sees me trying hard not to blush. 

Even with my efforts, I feel a blush coming so I try to cover both cheeks with one hand, but that isn't very affective since all it's accomplishing is me looking like an idiot and Chase laughing his butt off.

"Well you could've told me that earlier, would have saved me a ton of embarrassment." He chuckles slightly and slowly shakes his head.

"Sweetheart, you can't hide from me. You're the first thing I look for when I enter this school." He winks at me and turns around, making his way to the classroom right next to mine.

He's doing this on purpose... making me blush so much. I regret ever buying that crappy phone from Target. Being phone-less would be much better than having to deal with him for a whole week.

I quickly scurry to my classroom when I hear the warning bell, signaling that I have no more than five minutes before I'm tardy to class. 

Mr. Linson will literally kill me if show up late one more time, let's just say I'm not his favorite student...

I think it has something to do with me accidentally dropping and breaking his beloved laptop a few weeks ago. Yeah he definatly hasn't gotten over that quite yet.

I stepped in the class and was surprised to see everyone staring at me. I glanced all around me to figure out what was so interesting but then realized that, it was in fact, me who everyone's eyes were focused on. 

The only person not ogling at me as if I was the answer to the world is Mr. Linson, who's just giving me a very rude scowl, and telling me to hurry up and sit down at my computer.

 I sit at the computer assigned to me, which ended up being by Heather, a really sweet and quiet girl who everyone loves, but she too is staring at me with a look of adoration. Oh great, do I have something on my face? I desperatly wipe my face thoroughly with my hands but it doesn't stop her from looking at me.

 "Um.. Heather? Why is everyone looking at me as if I found the cure for cancer?" She seems to snap out of whatever trance she was in at the question and wastes no time in answering, "Maybe because you and Chase seem to be best friends now? Everyone is extremely curious as to how you even got him to give you a second glance." Saying that I was confused would be a massive understatement... What the actual fudge brownies.

 Even though I tried my hardest, I couldn't stop myself from bursting out laughing. Chase and I? Best friends? Why would I even want to meet someone as egotistical, rude, and nasty minded as Chase Johnson? 

I start to laugh even harder when I picture Chase and I doing all the cheesy best friend activities: having sleepovers, painting each other’s nails, gossiping about all the hot guys we saw that day, shopping... pretty soon I’m gasping for air and holding my side. 

 “Miss Emerson, would you like to explain to the whole class why you’re cackling like a hyena?” Well that shut me right up. I timidly look up at a very furious Mr. Linson and shake my head before turning towards my computer and attempting to look busy. 

 After about ten minutes I decide that it’s safe to let Heather know that Chase and I are not, and will never be, anything close to friends. 

 “I don’t know where you got your information from, but that couldn’t be farthest from the truth. The only reason I’ve even talked to him these past few days is because I’m being forced to.” 

 Heather looks bewildered so I decide to explain to her the short version of what happened that awful Monday morning, “You see, on Monday I had to go to the bathroom to uh... check something,” Heather’s knowing smile lets me know that she knew what I was referring to, “Anyways, I accidentally went into the wrong bathroom and to my utter horror Chase was peeing right at that moment. And of course I screamed and ran out of the restroom. Then, at the end of that day he came up to me to talk about what happened, and when I got home I realized that he somehow took my phone after we talked."

I had to stop and breath for a second, "Let me just say he’s got some blackmail against me, so for me to get my phone and back and for him to keep his huge mouth shut I have to do whatever he tells me to for a week.” 

 “Wow..” Heather looks pretty surprised, “you are the luckiest person I have ever met.” 

 “What? How?” I swear if she says because he’s hot I am going to strangle her.

 Before she can explain herself, there’s a loud knock on the door. 

I get up from my comfortable seat and slowly make my way towards it. Since I sit closest to the door, it’s my job to open it whenever someone knocks. It really sucks.

 It takes me some time to pull the heavy door open, I really need to start doing some weights, but once I see who’s on the other side I slam the door closed again and rush to my seat. 

 I try to look natural and do some breathing exercises to calm down but it doesn’t seem to be working since everyone is once again staring at me with concern. 

Mr. Linson passes by my seat and sends a poisonous glance my way before walking towards the door. 

 “Well, hello Chase, what can I help you with?” I’m dumbfounded, why is Mr. Linson being so nice to him?  I understand that Chase might've never before dropped anything valuable of his but still... He's a delinquent for crying out loud!

 “Well Jessi Emerson needs to go to the office.” Chase gives Mr. Linson an angelic smile that has all the girls in the room swooning. His eyes travel across the room and once they find mine his once smile turns into that annoying smirk. 

 I roll my eyes at him, as if Mr. Linson is dumb enough to get fall for tha- “Jessi, go to the office immediately.” 



It's just been EOC and Finals this whole month and I've been beyond busy!


Picture of Chase on the side:) Thank you to @badabingbadaboom123 for suggesting him as Chase as well!!



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