A Vision of Tomorrow

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Self sat there as she watched her younger self disappear

She looked around at the chest board and remembered the fear

Blair has a long journey ahead of her and it wasn't going to be a simple walk in the park

She peered at her chess board "It's time to start."

Her memories float back to where Blair is now

A tear came to her eye and she furrowed her brow

"It has to change, to many times we have fought this fight."

She picked up a King and squeezed it with all her might.

"You will fall this time Darkness, I will make it true

For all the times I have played this game with you

With each passing life we play it all over again

I learn my history to get a close win

Each time you play the same pawns as the last

Each time Blair returns to the past

Together we have a power unlike any other before

We can change the future and wipe out this war."

She remembers her turn and the woman she named Self.

She remembers the feelings and doubt she felt

This Blair is no different then the one before

But this time there will be no more

This is the last time this game will be played

After so many lifetimes of repeated doomsday

She has been taught all of their lives

She knows their history's and all their fights

Some that were won while the majority was lost

They have changed the balance at a high cost

Self raised her fist into the air

"This time I will be the last Blair!

To face this world and all its pain

I will fix what never should have changed!"

She stood up and peered at the destruction all around

Darkness has torn it all to the ground

Her eyes burned bright and she lowered her head

"It's time to light up this world, for its time the Darkness is dead"

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