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I woke up in the morning. Today was the day for Disneyland Florida. I noticed my phone had 3 messages from the unknown number saying. "im close to you and Grayson. You just don't know it"

"I can see you all the time"


I showed grayson and he said to just keep the messages and ignore. We then started packing and got ourselves ready. I was waiting on my bed whilst grayson was in the shower. He came out in just shorts and I stared at him and he noticed me "could you make that any more obvious" he said as he layed on the bed with me. "Yes I could" I said as I kissed him. As we were about to make out Ethan knocked at the door. "Oh for god sake what do you want Ethan?" Grayson said.

"Did I interupt something. Anyway we have to go now so hurry up or we will be late for our flight" he said as he wandered in and back out with a confused look on his face. We rushed downstairs and got into the ubers car. "Hey guys where you going?" He asked. I'm sure I recognise that voice. I did and it was Nate. "Omg hey Nate what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Ethan invited me and loads of others to come to Florida". I turned away from Grayson and focused outside. After a while we approached the airport we got out and he said that he didn't know and he was sorry.

We all rushed through security and the bagging area. We got on the plane and I rested my head on Grayson's shoulder and I slowly fell asleep. What seemed like five minutes I woke up with a kiss on my forehead and a hand on my thigh. I slowly opened my eyes and Grayson told me we were 5 minutes away. I felt the plane land and everyone got off. We rushed out and got into a taxi that would take us to our hotel. After a long day we entered our room which was on the top floor. It was huge and private away from everyone else. We both locked the door and sorted our stuff out. After a long busy day we decided to go to sleep.

It was the next day. I was going to get changed when Grayson curled his arms around me. I reached for my phone and saw a message from Courtney saying 'come down for breakfast at 9:30'. It was 9:27 and so I told Grayson we needed to go downstairs to the lobby for breakfast. He got changed and I went down in my pajamas. Nate, Ethan, Courtney, Daniel, Aaron and kian were all down in the lobby. I had a small breakfast and went to get ready as I was the only one in pajamas. Someone knocked on the door... it was Cameron Dallas. "Hey babe" he said as he came in and shut the door. "Grayson sent me up. We're all going in like 5 so you might want to hurry" he said as he got closer and closer to me. I was up against the wall and our faces were inches apart when I felt his lips on mine. I kissed back and pulled away. "I'm sorry this isn't right ok" I said. We both went downstairs and enjoyed our time on loads of the rides. Only Jacob threw up so far. At the end of the day we all went to our rooms and went to sleep just as i was about to shut my eyes my phone went off "night babe we can have fun another time" it was Cameron. I swiped the message off my lock screen so grayson could see it and then went to sleep. When should I tell Grayson the full true story...

My life changed when I saw Grayson.Where stories live. Discover now