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The ashes from the burning village danced around me. I stood in my house as I watch the flames devour my parents and then moving to its next victim, me. The fire began to crawl towards me, the heat becoming unbearable. The door slammed open and a girl my age, about 18, came in. She threw a rusty bucket full of clear water onto the fire that blocked my only way out. I watched as the flames became smaller and smaller. The girl grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. I looked at her, but she just stared into the middle of nowhere, her eyes were a dark brown color like endless holes.
"Thanks for saving me," l said to her but I had sparkling tears rolling freely down my face, I couldn't help it, my parents were dead and I was alone, alone with no one I knew, even my friends were now nothing but bones and ashes.

"You're welcome, it's my job," she replied but her face was still emotionless. Suddenly, a few other people were walking towards us."I've got the girl Ren," she said to a boy a bit older than me, who had greasy black hair.
"Good job Lydia," remarked a tall blonde haired girl.
"Thank you Alice," but that was the last I heard because immediately after that, my head began to feel heavy and dizzy, I fainted due to the thick smoke and burning ashes.I woke up in a bed, I began to rise from my bed when I felt a sharp piercing object aimed on my chest. It was the girl that they had called Alice, holding a dagger over me.
"Alice, what do you think you're doing?" asked Lydia as she walked into the room.

"Sorry, I just don't trust her yet, what if she ends up doing what the last one did?" said Alice in a trembling voice, something bad must have happened in the past.

"Don't worry, I trust her, and it's everyone's choice, not just yours," said Lydia, making Alice return the dagger into its rightful home, the sheath on her leg.

"Now that everyone's here lets introduce ourselves, wait where's Ren?"
After a minute or so, Lydia returned with Ren behind her. "So my name is Lydia as you know and I'm a bit like you, my parents also passed away when I was just a little girl, I'm sorry if I was looking a bit scary back there but what happened there reminds me of what happened to me. I also have a ability that you should know in case you freak out when you see it. I have the ability to control ice and make ice," l just stared at her, was she for real? After everyone had finished introducing themselves and had left the room, I ran all the information through my head again, in case I forgot. So Lydia can control ice, Alice can make non-living objects come to life and control them, and finally, Ren has the ability to see the past but not change it. It seems I'm the only normal one here.
Later in the day, Lydia came into my room and told me about the agency, "Our agency is called CS agency, stands for Crime Solvers. We would like you to join,"
Lydia held out her hand and for the first time I didn't think of them as weirdos, but friends. I took her warm, welcoming hand and emotionally said "Thank you" as my eyes welled up with joyful tears.
I was now officially a member of CS agency.

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