The Enemy

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A few months later...
The door slammed open, the leader of the Dark Shadow Agency strolled in, ignoring our unwelcome faces. "Long time no see, Alice," he said.

"What do you want with the CSA?" she cried. I looked at them, from Alice then to the mysterious stranger, was he an enemy or foe? If he was a enemy I could attack him with my months of training. But not long later my question was answered by a big kick that caused a small tremor, he dodged the attack swiftly. A tree outside came to life and smashed its way into the battle ground. The tree attacked but the stranger dodged it again causing it to smash the computers and tables. I launched a side kick, but he grabbed it and threw my to the ground. The pain shocked up my leg, the remains of the broken door opened and Lydia stormed in, followed by Ren, "Why are you here, Akumu?"

" Why do you need to know?" he replied as he jumped out the window and blended with the busy crowds on the streets.

"Who was that?" I asked, curious.

"A traitor to me and the agency! Not to mention he's our agencies biggest enemy,  " cried Alice, her face as red as a tomato.

"Calm down Alice, I'll explain, you see, Akumu was just like you, his family was killed by someone so we took him in but not soon later, he betrayed us and formed a agency, one that would fight against the CSA, " I was stunned by what Lydia had told me, so that was why Alice was so cautious around me. "They also used to have crushes on each other when he was at the agency, that's why she's so pissed," whispered Lydia who was checking around to make sure Alice hadn't heard, "just don't tell her I told you, or I would be in big trouble."

"Don't tell me what?!" asked Alice.

"Oh, uh, nothing," we stammered in unison. She eyed us suspiciously but ignored what she heard us said as if it had never happened. 

"Now for the mess, it will take a lot of money to fix," sighed Ren.
Days passed and the agency was fixed and back to normal, "Time for your first case as a rookie detective," said Ren, "you have to solve your own village's arson, meaning who did it."
I stared at him, I'd never knew my chance to uncover my parent's and everyone  else's murder would come so soon. I nodded and we set of for the crime scene, my village.
The black Audi pulled up at the village as we got out of the car. My village was charcoal black and it was as if all the happiness and life it had before was sucked out of it. I couldn't bear to look at it, it was just too horrible. We arrived at my house, the place where the fire started from, every thing was gone, except for a skeleton of the structure of the house. Who could have done such a terrible thing and taken so many innocent lives, what had they done to deserve this?


Note to readers:

Akumu (the name of the enemy) means nightmare in Japanese. :P

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