Shattered Lies

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I found Rex holed up in his room, with the door locked and no sound traveling out. I knocked on the door, a crisp knock rang through the air. Slowly, the door knob twisted and opened an inch, revealing a pale ghost face. 'What do you want,' he asked in a deadly tone while staring daggers at me.
'Why did you attack me in the alley?'
'What?! What do you mean?'
'Don't pretend, yesterday when I was making my way through an alley, someone attacked me. And that was you, I even saw your face!'
'But I spent the whole day yesterday with Ren who was trying to teach me how to make better use of my abilities!' He protested.
'You certain?'
'Wait, what if someone from DSA has the powers to turn us against each other? What if...' I started, 'THEY HAVE THE POWER OF ILLUSION ' we screamed together, panting as I caught my breath.
'Wait, so the one who cold heartedly killed my brother was not you but...' he stopped to process the information, "someone from DSA?!"
Suddenly it seemed as he had completely forgotten about his grudge against me and his grudge was now directed at DSA. 'We have to tell Lydia,' I shouted as I made my way away from Rex's room and further down the corridor.
Lydia's reaction was just what I expected, realization, her face showed it all. 'So that's why Rex said he saw you kill Tyrant! Ha, very cunning, so even they have a trick up their sleeve.' I nodded in agreement. 'Notify everyone about this and make sure everyone is aware of this!' she ordered.
'Is everything ready?'
'Yes sir, it's been planned so well, that they won't even see it coming.'
'Perfect. Commence tomorrow dawn.'
'Yes sir.'
There lay an envelope, it was white in colour, with an apple red wax seal, signifying that it was important. I bent down picking the delicate envelope before tearing the letter open, revealing a quickly folded piece of paper. I slowly unfolded the piece of paper, there was no way of telling who sent it. The letter was written in black ink in a rushed, slanted handwriting.

Tomorrow shall be CSA's downfall.

The message seemed to be a warning of some sort. My feet pounded on the dust grey linoleum carpet, I had to tell Lydia.

The cool glass pressed against my hand as I pushed the door open. I paused to catch my breath, adrenaline slowing down as it rushes through my veins. 'What is it?' asked Lydia.
'We received a letter today,' I panted.
'What's so important about it?'
'It's a warning. About tomorrow. Something big is happening tomorrow.'
Lydia grabbed the letter that I had laid down on the wooden coffee table.
'CSA's downfall? Only DSA could be responsible for that. Tell everyone to be on guard tomorrow. We have to be ready for anything.'
'But what if it's a prank, a false message?'
'There are no what ifs, if it ends up being a prank, so be it. We have nothing to loss, better safe then sorry.' I nodded, after all, she had a point.


Sorry for the late update, I hadn't been on Wattpad for nearly a whole year. Hope u like this chapter. I'll try to update soon. 😉

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