The Reunion That Turned Cold

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"Rex, is that you?" asked Tyrant as he moved towards the familiar boy and reached out his warm, loving hand to stroke his cheek but he reluctantly stopped as if Rex was only a mirage and if he touched him, he would disappear forever.

"I'm sorry Tyrant, I can't face you, I'm a traitor, so just go away!" cried Tyrant with his head down.

"You heard the boy, leave him alone, we never kidnapped him, he was just a double agent working for us. He was nothing to you, just a spy in your stupid agency," said the old man.

"Wait a minute, you're Yami, Akumu's grandad," said Lydia.

Yami nodded and an evil grin shot across his face, "Remember it, because someday we will face each other to a battle to death and you guys will be in heaven after it, and also, did you enjoy the bomb I left you at the old apartment? I see you survived, " and after that was followed by a blinding white light and then, they were gone.

'So he was the one who nearly killed us,' a lump of hatred began to form in my heart.

Tyrant collapsed to the floor in despair, "He's really gone, isn't he?" murmured Tyrant quietly, more tears of sadness gathered in his eyes and flowed freely down his face.

"No, he's not, maybe he's eh; just gathering information for us," suggested Alice, but we all knew from the way she said it, that it wasn't the reason why he was on the enemy's side, we all just couldn't bring ourselves to believe he would leave us, especially Tyrant. We all made our way back through the tunnel with our heads down, a gloomy aura surrounding us, no one spoke, I stepped out into the warm sun as the grey clouds cleared. The fresh dew drops rolled down the green leaves as we walked through the long wet grass that soaked our shoes, back to the black Audi, our trip home.


The agency came into view as the car drove over the rocky gravel on the street in front of our agency, the sign CSA , was old and the painted letters were peeling off. We entered inside, the smell of dust filled the air, the smell of home. The switch flicked on, after a moment, the lights slowly came to life, we all took a seat and began to review the situation.

"I've been thinking in the car, what if Rex left some sort of message or we can find out why he joined them, like in manga that I read!" said Ren dreamily as his eyes began to sparkle as he wondered into his thoughts, into manga-land. I looked at him, he looked like a child that just got a life time supply of candy! I took out my phone and toke a picture of him daydreaming, later I can get pay back for all the times that he teased me and show him the picture. My eyes also began to sparkle as I thought of all the ways that I could tease him, "Okay you two, stop the sparkle eyes and we can get on with everything!" ordered Lydia, we all turned to face her, "We'll use Ren's gift to see what happened before." Tyrant's eyes lit up, he was finally getting somewhere with why his brother left.


Note to readers:

Yami (the name of Akumu's grandad) means darkness in Japanese. :P

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