The Truth

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I opened half of the remaining burnt door and walked it, avoiding the ruins under me, in case I tripped over them.
"So, do you realise something? I've already noticed it," I looked at him, I had no idea what he was talking about, was this what it meant to be a real detective?

"So, what is it?"

"The thing is, the blaze wasn't caused by anything here..."

I stopped him, "So you're saying it was something else," I concluded.

"Correct, and I know what it was, and I think it's about time I told you, the agency has been hiding it from you," said Ren as his head began to droop as if he was afraid to tell me, "it was your hidden powers that caused this. You see, you have the power to control and make fire, this happened when you lost control of yourself." This couldn't be true, everyone died, just because I couldn't control these stupid powers?

"So this is my fault?" I asked, my vision beginning to spin as I neared the truth.

"Yes, I knew and we knew you wouldn't be able to take this in, so we waited, the only real reason we came to your village was to save you, our job is to save people with super natural powers, they are called the Gifted, and your are one of those lucky one thousand in the world. And so is everyone at the agency."

"If I killed all those innocent people, I don't want these strange powers!" I shouted as sparkling tears began to well up in my eyes and slowly form into a single tear running down my face.

"I'm sorry but no one can help you on that matter, you are gifted and nothing can change that."
I stared at my feet, if I killed so many people, I didn't deserve to live. I had to do something to atone for my sins, I'll commit suicide, at least I'll be with them, all those innocent lives I that I had taken, and I'll do it the least painful way I could think of, drowning.
I gulped as I stared down into the clear flowing stream, I inched a bit closer until my toes were just over the edge. It didn't seem like a good idea anymore but it was too late to back down, I was already losing my balance. I tipped over like a heavy weight and looked at the sunset one last time before I blacked out, I felt a warm hand brush against my cold skin as I dropped to the bottom of the stream like a rock.
I opened my eyes, was I in heaven, I couldn't be, because right in front of me was Ren, I was definitely still alive.

"You shouldn't throw your life away like it's nothing you know," said Ren as he sat there watching the sun set, water dripped down his soggy filthy clothes, leaving dew drops on the fresh green grass.

"Thanks, I didn't know what I was thinking, now I wish I never did it."

"Me too. Come on, let's go back to the agency, we'll teach you how to control your powers so nothing like that happens again." I looked at him, I had never been happier to be alive, I could live to see another day.

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