No Control

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I stared at the candle, all I had to do was light the stupid wax candle and I would be able to control my powers, I stared at the charcoal pile on candle remains that I had made. "Just keep trying," said Ren as he yawned sleepily,"Just keep wasting the agency's money, you'll eventually get there."

"Well, I'm trying my hardest already and I'm sorry if I'm wasting the agency's money!" I said angrily as I let my fiery emotions take over me, causing me to turn another candle into crisp.

"Time for another pack of candles, wait there's no more, I'll go and get some more, you can have a break for now," he said as he grabbed his hat and coat and slipped out the door into the freezing coldness. The chill of the icy wind made me shiver until the warmth of the heater toke over making me warm again.

"Oh, there you are Katherine, would you let me borrow you for a few minutes?"said Lydia as she peeked her head through the small gap of the door.

"We have a case for you and Alice, there have been lots of recent kidnappings and we think they are all connected, we want you two to turn in the person responsible, and I've already filled Alice in, she'll be waiting for you at the door." I twisted the door knob and outside was Alice, waiting for me. We walked outside in thick coats that would protect us from the cold breeze, the same black Audi was waiting for us, the car glinted in the faint sunlight.
We walked around the busy streets of the city where most of the kidnappings had happened. Most of the townspeople were clueless about the incidents, but one teenager a bit older than us who wearing a hoodie that concealed his face. He directed us to an old abandoned house where he said he saw an old black van drive to, he said there were the sounds of children yelling and screaming coming from the house. The rusty gates of the abandoned house loomed over us, giving me an eerie feeling. There were chains bounded around the gates, as if they didn't want us to enter, but the chain was so rusty that it fell of as soon as Alice touched it. "Are you sure this is the right place?"asked Alice cautiously, but I had no idea either, so I just continued through the gates towards the apartment. Alice gripped the door knob so hard that her knuckles turned white, but as she was about to push open the door, a gust of wind came through from the hallway and and opened, as if they were now welcoming us in. I hesitated for a moment before I stepped in, we made our way down the long hall way until we reach the lounge room, as soon as we went in, my ears were deafened by a loud explosion near us, we both blacked out and we could see nothing but blackness.
I soon woke up, thank goodness Alice summoned some rubble and roots around us that formed a barrier just in time, burnt ruins laid around me and Alice's sleeping body, suddenly I felt a flood of sadness overcome me, I couldn't help but let a drop escape from my eyes, it reminded me too much of the past, my past. Just as I was thinking about my past, a rock from above us crumbled down, followed by a huge slab of brick. I tried my hardest to carry Alice and dodge it, my due to my severe injuries, I had just managed with the slab only a few centimetres away. I let out the breathe that I had I had been holding in for a while, finall, Alice woke up. She woke up with a jolt, "Where are we?" Then she paused as if all the horrible memories came flooding back like a ocean tide.
"Come we have to get out," with Alice's aid, I managed to limp to the car, the blood from the cuts and bruises had dried and it was now a dark crimson colour, almost black.

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