Its Poison

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My heart was beating fast, and my body was starting to run into over drive. I screamed one last time. "Nicholas" I felt helpless and useless. Please be here Nicky I thought over and over again. "Shade!" It was him his voice he was here. The dutch bloke turned his head to the reply. "Kill him." He said. "No don't Please don't." I was choking out now. "Nicholas run I shouted."

I felt the floor rumbling beneath me and a crunching crash sound against the wall I was facing. I Scrunched my eyes closed as he burst through the wall. When the crumbling stopped. I opened them to see him standing there in front of me the clouds of concrete dust floating around him. I tried to struggle against my bonds. I wanted to run to him, and let him comfort me. i was trying so hard to control my emotions, but a vision was coming. The thought of loosing him, was getting to my mind now and the sight of him, I let go. Falling in to a trance.

I could only see one face, It was Charlie he was crying, He looked paler than usual, thin and destroyed. I though he could break and drop to the floor at any moment, but seeing him was nothing like the horror of what was beside me, Lying on a bed, cold as ice. lay Clara. She was dead. It was like a bad dream i wanted to leave, but didn't know how to pinch myself. "Clara" I said "wake up". "WAKE UP!" I shouted. "You can't leave Your my sister. "Please get up." I felt tears falling down my cheeks. "It was poison that killed you." I turned to charlie only to realize he was talking to Clara's body. "If only I'd known. Now your gone and your not coming back." the vision before me began to fade as I returned to my real body.

I gasped, and as quick as my breath returned my tears did. i leaned forward and sobbed in to a shirt that looked much, and smelled much like Nickys. Nicholas. was my only thought. I pulled back instantly and looked up to him. I jumped in to his arms. "It's okay." He said. "I thought I was never going to see you again." I pulled me harder against him and kissed me gently. "Never again. I promise. I love you and I never want to go through that again." I stayed in his arms for a while longer and and had never felt so calm in my life. When I pulled back a little he asked if i was okay. "If i have to get a head injury one more time I'm telling you I'm going to frigging lose it." Nicholas laughed.

"Ohhh no, Wheres Clara?" I asked quickly. I'm not sure Charlie went to find her. Come on we have to go, like now.


I was running though the halls, Clara still unconscious in my arms "Nicholas!" I shouted "Shade!" "Anyone" I was panicking like crazy. "Charlie were coming." It was shades voice. In ran to her knowing Nicholas would be with her. "Quick somethings wrong with Clara." At the turning of the next corner, They were there, and Shade was checking for a pulse. "Shes still alive but not for long, we have to get the poison out of her."

"Hold it there!" Men dressed in uniforms were running towards us from every direction. Nicholas grabbed me and pulled me in to him protectively while Charlie clutched Clara no matter how venerable it made him.

When the men reached us, Charlie and Nicholas were fighting them away. One grabbed my ankle pulling me the the floor and into them I screamed. Just as Nicholas turned to hit the man, Others grabbed him holding them down. He couldn't pull them off of him, and there red blood shot eyes told me they wern't human. I mean they were holding Nicholas down and it only took one to restrain me. I Kicked and fought. Trying to get to him. "Hold her down." A stern voice shouted. "No you don't understand, I need to get to my sister." I clipped the jaw of the one holding me, and reached for Clara who was currently in the arms of another man and Charlie looked pretty pissed about that.

Nicholas was free again and trying to fight through the crowd. Charlie lost it completely and was like a violent dog on the loose. He also had the same desired effect on the guards. Who were fleeing out the way of him. At least they had some common sense or so it seemed for most. There were a few that stood to fight and with a little push were lying on the floor with a pool of blood forming around their heads. As for me, well I was currently being grabbed and tackled by more frigging, douche men.  I mean what is with this I'm sick of being frigging man handled. Nicky was breaking noses, and smashing faces. the blood every where was making me sick to my stomach.

In amungst the chaos around me a loud voice boomed across the scene. "Everyone stop." I knew instantly who it was. before she introduced her self. "My name is Lady Amesbury, and I would like there to be order. In my castle." We were in a castle. I quickly scanned the hallways, she was right It really was a castle. But it was also a shit-hole or at least now it was. "She didn't look at him nor did she turn in his direction. She simply stood straight and formal. "Give me the ring, and you can leave, we won't follow you nor will we try to pursue you. " "And what if i don't want to." Charlie spat. Suddenly, the man holding Clara shifted, and a small but sharp blade was looming over her heart. "Charlie struggled against the hands clamping him. "You hurt her I swear to god--" "She will receive no harm, just give me the ring and you are free to go." She interrupted. I looked at her and for the first time noticed what was hanging around her neck. It was as emerald as my eyes, and was shaped perfectly to fit my neck. It was my emerald. "Why do you want it so much?" I asked stubborn. First she takes my stuff then she poisons my sister and then she tries to take my sisters stuff. Oh my god if it was up to me the only thing she would be getting was a kick up the ass. Her beady red eyes turned to face me. "Whats it to do with you?" She asked. "Uhh is that a trick question? Are you dumb as well as stupid, that ring is MY sisters and that rather nice looking emerald around your neck is MINE." She didn't look impressed. "I am Lady Amesbury so watch how you talk to me young lady, and I think MY emerald looks rather dashing around my neck." I internally growled. "I don't care who the hell you are, the only thing that should be around your neck is a noose and for someone so formal, you of all people should know that once you steal something dosen't make it yours." She had a face like a smacked ass, and for the sake of the situation I took pride in that fact. She clicked her fingers, and my head was pulled back while a blade was held to my throat. "She flicked he head back to Charlie Ring now or both their throats will be cut before you can flinch. "Fine." He said quickly as if a rash decision was about to made. The men holding him released just enough for him to reach into his pocket and pull out Clara's ring. I stared at Lady Amesbury,and he eyes were glued to the ring, like a cat on a mouse. Big eyed and uninterested in anything else.


Authors note

Kinda short I know, but two chapters in one day I'm not sure you can complain, really. Any way I'm looking forward to the next publishing so stay tuned it will be soon I give you my word.

courtesy of Shade and Clara later guys. :)

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