(All Ships) Students and the Pets

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Daithi, Craig, Brian, and I wee walking to our dorm when someone came screaming down the hall. I heard a squeal and then cussing. We all looked at each other, but we didn't know what to do. Our dorm was two feet away, so I booked it. I ran, at full speed, into our dorm. They followed my lead.

Once we all got in, Daithi closed and locked the door, "What was that?"

"I don't know," I said, "but it scared the shit out of me."

"It sounded like a pig squeal." Craig said.

I looked at him confused, but Brian said, "Why would Mark be running down the hall then?"

"And who started cussing?" Daithi asked.

"I don't know! I wasn't there!" Craig yelled.


The room fell silent and we all looked at my door.

"Way to go Lui!"

"Evan, move!"

"Guys, no ones in here."

"Would you guys shut up? There could be people in the living room!"

"Check if there are."

"I can't reach the handle."

"Hang on. Let me close the window first."

Craig tapped on my shoulder and I looked at him. The four males in my room kept talking while I followed Craig behind the counter. Daithi and Brian were already there.

"Okay, now open the door."


My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. I started breathing heavily-like I was running.

"See, no one's here."

"Yeah, that's what you thought last time."

"Check behind the counter."

I stopped breathing and my stomach started to turn. I felt a bit dizzy.

"No, you check behind the counter."

"I'll do it."

I slowly turned my to the right and waited to see a male, but instead an owl came into prospective. I was going to laugh because I thought it was a joke, but the owl did something unexpected.

It screamed.

It didn't didn't yell, "Hoo!" at us . No, it screamed like a male human. We screamed as well.

Suddenly, the screams started to get muffled-like they were drowning-and the room began to spin. Then everything went black.

When I woke up, I was still in the kitchen. People were screaming and cussing. I sat up, pain shot through out my body, but it didn't stop me. I grabbed the counter for support and groaned as I lifted myself up.

When I finally stood up, I looked over the counter. My friends backs were toward me. They were yelling at something or someone.

"Guys." I said quietly. No response.

"Guys." I said a bit louder. Same thing.

"Hey!" I yelled which was a mistake. My head began pounding, but I ignored it.

They spun around and looked at me, "Johnathan." Brian said.

"What?" I asked.

"Who the fuck is Johnathan?" An unfamiliar voice said.

I tried to look around them to see who was talking, "Who said that?"

A pink little pig squeezed in between Daithi's legs and waddled to the front of the counter. It sat down and stared at me with it's blue eyes, "I did."

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