(All Ships) Daddy Daughter Dance

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It is about all ships, but the reason the picture is Evan x Tyler is because that's who it's based around.

I moved here like a year ago, and it hasn't been going well. I don't get bullied or anything, I just don't understand half of the stuff they teach us in school; My dyslexia makes it difficult.

I can't complain too much though, I did meet a friend on accident. I was walking to class, and was really close to the lockers. I was talking to myself; Trying to remember all the homework I had, and without warning, one of the purple lockers opened by itself and smacked me right in the face. After I winced in pain and cussed a little, a girl around my age jumped out of the locker. She was my height, but somehow she looked younger. She had deep blue eyes and dark chocolate brown, curly hair.

Her eyes widened when she saw me. She said in an Irish accent, "Oh my-I am so sorry!"

After rubbing my head for a while and deciding not to punch her in the face, I asked her, "Why are you even in the locker?"

She looked embarrassed, "I-I don't want to got to P.E."

I looked at her confused, "Why?"

She sighed, "I'm just not as athletic as the rest of my family, and it's just difficult to do anything without...you know, support." She looked away, but quickly looked back at me, "This is the first time I've ever tried and/or wanted to skip class, so please don't rant me out."

"Well, what hour do you have it?" I asked.

"This hour." She said, "That's why I was in my locker."

The bell was going to ring any minute and I knew we had the same hour. I sighed, "Come on."


"I've got the same hour, and the bell's about to ring." I said walking past her, but I turned around when I pasted her, "I'm no personal cheerleader, but I have no problem supporting you."

I turned back around and soon heard feet hitting the floor behind me, "Would you really support me?"

"Of course." I said, then the bell rang, "Let's start now."


"Try and keep up!" I yelled and started running.

When I got to the gym, she was right behind me, breathing heavily.

She looked at me, "W-Why'd you make me do that?"

"I didn't make you do anything," I said, "I just supported you to do something."

She stood up straight, "I don't even know your name, and you're already making me run."

I put my hand out, "Sophie."

She took my hand, "Colleen."

Ever since then, Colleen and I've been best friends.

We were in 8th hour, waiting for the final bell to ring, and Mrs. Bluegrass started to hand out papers to only the girls. We gave a confused look to each other once we got one.

I looked at the cheaply made, hot pink paper in my hands:

I looked at the cheaply made, hot pink paper in my hands:

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