(Vanoss x Nogla) Mistletoe

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-Before the party-

"Marcel," Simon turned to her husband who was finishing up on some cookies, "Should I put this up?"

Marcel put the cookies he was working on into the oven and turned to Simon, seeing what she had. "A mistletoe?" He chuckled.

She smiled and shrugged, not really having an explanation as to why it would be a good idea to hang up. "It could make some cute pictures." She smiled.

He laughed once more and walked to her. He took the green and red ornament and went to the doorway of the kitchen and the living room, taping it to the top.

"There we go." He said and turned to his wife, pulling her to him by wrapping an arm around her waist. They smiled at one another and continued the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe as their friends headed to their Christmas party.

-Back to present time-

It was a last minute party but Simon and Marcel really came through with the decorations. They didn't really have activities planned, but they knew someone would come up with something after a few drinks.

It was a few days after Christmas and not everyone could make it but everyone tried; Anthony got snowed in and others such as Brock, Ohm, John, and Delirious already had plans.

Scotty and Krissy where the first ones to come and helped finish anything the two needed help with. Craig and Brian came together since Brian was already at Craig's house when they made the plans and of course, Sami joined as well. Evan got on a later flight but wasn't the last one to show up like everyone betted. Tyler and Kelly had some car problems but showed up soon after the Brit and Irishman did. Luke and Bryce, although arguably closer than some of the others, came around the same time as the last Irishman.

It was a little crowded in the small house the two owned, but no one complained; everyone was very comfortable around one another and weren't afraid to be themselves.

Simon was right about the mistletoe being a big hit with pictures. Not only did the couples get cute and rememberable pictures together, but the guys had some great fun with the pictures as well.

"Scotty," Tyler laughed and waved his friend over to the mistletoe.

Scott walked over there and asked with a smile, "What?"

Tyler pulled him to him and held him to his body and made a joke about fucking him. Everyone laughed as Scotty went with it. Kelly recorded it and once they were done, she said, "Anthony's going to be jealous." Making everyone laugh once more.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Brian, who had quite a lot to drink, laughed, making the two move as he took his place under the mistletoe with Evan's phone in his hand. Evan got in the position to record or take a picture of him on Brian's phone, laughing to himself.

He looked like he was FaceTiming someone and everyone thought it was his girlfriend, Lanai, who wasn't able to come because she was at her sister's, but we all knew once the person answered the phone.

"Hello?" Brock's voice echoed, making everyone laugh.

"Hey Brocky!" Brian laughed.

"Brian?" He laughed his famous laugh.

"There's a mistletoe here, Mr. Moo Snuckle," Brian wiggles his eyebrows, "I wanted to share this moment with you."

Brock laugh more and Brian leaned in and kissed the phone screen dramatically. Brock continued to laugh but gave a small and audible kiss back, making the room cheer.

"I love you, Brocky," Brian smiled happily.

"I love you too, Brian." He laughed and the two soon hung up. Everyone continued to laugh as Evan and Brian switch back phones.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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