(Nogla x Wildcat) Mr. Wine

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"Fucking hate my job." I muttered as I put my head in my hands and rubbed my temples. My computer just crashed for the fourth time in the pass two hours.

"Everyone okay, David?" I looked over at my coworker, Brock.

"It won't fucking work." I stated.

"Go talk to-"

"I already talked with Evan about a week ago and he can't give me a new computer till it's approved by Tyler." I told him.

"Well, go talk to Tyler." He said.

I looked at him like he was crazy, "I can't do that. Unannounced visits are not aloud."

Brock put his hands up, defending himself. "I'm just trying to help you. I'm pretty sure Tyler would rather have you going in there and telling him instead of sitting here, not doing anything." He said and walked away.

I sighed, realizing he was right. I stood up, already regretting my decision. I walked to the floor secretary, Evan. "I'm going to go see if the file I need is on floor five." I lied.

He nodded and I went to the elevator and waited. I was very thankful it was empty when it opened. I went in and pressed the twelfth floor and watched as the doors closed. I started thinking about what to say.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but my computers been screwing up and I need a new one or at least for it to be fixed." I practiced.

The elevator stopped on his floor and I let out a large breath as the doors opened. His secretary, Lucas, looked up at me and smiled as I walked off.

"What can I do for you today, David." He said.

"I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I really need a new computer soon and I talked to Evan a week ago about getting a new one and he hasn't told me if Mr. Wine's approved the idea yet. It's crashed four times in the pass two hours." I explained.

He nodded and started typing on his computer, "I completely understand and I think Mr. Wine just got back from his lunch break so you can just go sit in his office and I'll tell him you're here once he's up here." He finished with a smile.

"Thank you." I said and headed to his office.

I opened the door and closed it behind me and looked around as the lights automatically turned on due to motion censers. The olive green walls went great with the dark, wood bookshelves with light brown, leather books neatly aligned on each shelf. The desk matched the bookshelves and had papers in files on it and pens scattered around the work space. The black leather chair was pushed in and far away from the wall that was just a large window. In front of the desk was another black seat, but it wasn't as fancy's as Tyler's, but it didn't throw off the theme of the room either.

I took a seat in the non-fancy chair and waited, not even daring to pull out my phone incase he walked in. I rehearsed the phrase I said in the elevator in my head and thought of all the ways he could decline the idea. My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened.

"I'm aware that you know I don't like unannounced visits, David." He spoke darkly and it sent chills down my spine as the door closed.

"Yes, I know, but this is-"

"Then why even try?" He said and walked to his desk.

He walked by and looked down at me and I stared into his icy blues eyes till he pulled away.

"Because I need a-"

"Everyone needs something." He groaned and sat in his seat, reconnecting our eye contact.

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