(Terroriser x Wildcat) My Gay Life

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I wasn't the strongest or smartest guy at school, but everyone believed I was. It really didn't make sense to me because I am rather skinny and fail tests and homework all the time. People also said I was a ladies man but I've never been on a date, kissed anyone, or ever really had a crush. Hell, I'm pretty sure I'm not the hottest guy here.

I'm like a side character in a movie that has one line, but everyone thinks I play a bigger role.

Well, everyone but Tyler.

See, I'm a senior and from freshman year to halfway through my junior year, everyone believed I was the best of the best when I was really wasn't even the best. Then, Tyler moved into town. A tall, handsome American coming to our school was a big deal and within a day I already met him.

He kind of clung onto me since. I didn't really mind because he was super funny and fit with my personality perfectly. I didn't, however, like the fact that he could read people like a book.

I didn't know he had this special ability till we were just sitting and eating lunch about two weeks after he arrived and my friends went to go talk to some girls and he looked at me and told me every single one of the girls personalities. I've known this girls for years, so I could confirm that he was right, but he didn't even know their names. Since then, he's told me so many things about certain people and he was always right.

I don't know how I got blessed with this Sherlock Holmes, but I wasn't complaining too much till he did it to me.

One day, we were just sitting in my room, playing video games during the summer and he just turned to me and went, "Why do you feel like you're not that important?"

I was shocked by his sudden question and voice and I said, "What?"

"Everyone at school seems to look up to you, and you still don't think widely of yourself." He explained.

I was quiet, trying to put the words together in my mind. "What?" I asked again.

Tyler groaned in annoyance and paused the game, turning to me, "Why don't you correct people who think you're all big and tough when you're not?"

I stared at him blankly and didn't answer. He rolled his eyes and put his controller down, turning his entire body and attention to me.

"I'm not going to play till you answer me." He said.

I glanced at the game and turned to him as well, "I don't really have an answer."

"There's an answer to everything, even if it hasn't been discovered yet."

I blinked a few times and shrugged, "I don't know. I just let them think what they want because why is that going to matter after high school?"

He sighed, obviously not satisfied with my answer and took my controller away from me. Before I could testify, he grabbed my crossed legs and pulled them to him, touching the front of his.

"What are you doing?" I asked but never got a response.

He then got on his hands and knees and pushed me down onto my bed. I was about to protest and sit back up when a lot of weight was put on my lower half and Tyler was hovering over my top half.

Tyler's chocolate brown hair, freshly tan skin, and salmon pink lips made his electric blue eyes stand out like a light in my dim room.

"You wanna know what I think?" He breathed, his hot breath hitting my face and making me shudder, "I think you just don't want them to know you're actually not that strong, romantic, or smart because you like the idea of everyone thinking you are."

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