Chapter Five - Chiharu

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A/N: Sorry for the delay. I tried to update yesterday but Wattpad wouldn't let me publish the update. I've also stopped following everyone I was following :/ idk what happened :/ 

23rd March 2011

A tall man wearing an expensive suit enters the room. His black eyes scan the area before landing on me. His cold expression doesn't leave his face, causing his features to appear rather sharp and menacing. His black hair is neatly gelled back, not a single bit of hair out of place.

Is this Hiro Tachibana?

He walks up to me. "Are you Chiharu Kurosawa?" He asks. His voice is very deep, which is rather fitting. I nod timidly and stand from my chair. "I'm Hiro Tachibana, I'll be interviewing you today. I hope you don't mind that it will be recorded, Kira will be watching it if I think you're suitable." I nod again. He turns to leave the room, and beckons for me to follow.

We enter a corridor and turn right immediately. A sign on the wall points that we're heading towards the lifts and stairs. A quick glance behind and I see a short corridor with several doors leading to other rooms.

I look around in complete awe as I follow Hiro Tachibana through the maze. The walls are a pale peach colour, the wooden flooring is a pale beige and is very clean.

We reach the lift and he presses a button. The doors slide open and he walks inside and I follow.


"So what are your hobbies?" He asks first. His eyes lift up from the piece of paper he's reading. They're probably questions Kira chose.

"Cooking and cleaning." I say simply. I'm not really able to do much, I can never leave the house since I'm always scared what Hajime will do if he found out.

"Is that all?" He asks and I nod.

"My fiancé won't let me leave the house and controls what I do. He doesn't know I'm here." I say hurriedly, unsure whether I should state that I'm already committed in a relationship I don't exactly want to be in anymore.

"Ah. What are your views on Kira? You can be completely honest, you won't be punished for speaking your mind." He asks next.

"I've always admired Kira. He killed the criminal that killed my parents, so for that I've always supported him as a way of saying 'thank you'. Before that though, I wasn't really sure what I thought of Kira. I was seventeen I think."

"Mum? Dad?" I call out. It's three in the morning. They're normally in bed by now. I cautiously take a step, careful not to make a noise. Not that it'd matter.

"Haru! Just get away!" My mum screams. I freeze on the spot. My hand clutches the rail that's attached to the wall.

"Get away from my wi-" My dad's voice is silenced by a loud bang. No. No. No.

I take a step backwards.

"Haru, run!" Are my mum's final words. She lets out a final scream before she's too silenced.

The killer approaches me, gun in hand. I shake my head, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably.

His face falls and the gun is released from his grip. It clatters to the floor and I watch as he collapses on the spot.

"Are you okay?" Hiro asks me and I'm yanked out of the painful memory and back into the grey room. I nod quickly and break eye contact. I hesitantly touch a hand to my cheek and find they're dry. I didn't cry.

I haven't thought about that night in years. I occasionally get nightmares, but it doesn't bother me that much during the day like it once did.

"Yes. I'm very grateful for Kira. He's ridding this world of evil, and no one else has to experience the loss of a loved one due to someone's selfish behaviour." I continue, my voice wavers slightly as my body still trembles from the memory.


I return home shortly after, not many more questions were asked. Tachibana-san I would know tomorrow or the day after to be told what will happen next.

24th March 2011

When Hajime leaves for work, I quickly pull my laptop out from under the bed. I switch it on and open my emails. I bite my nails as I wait for a new E-Mail to pop up, so when it does, I excitedly open it and begin to read it.

Dear Chiharu Kurosawa,

Kira would like to meet you on the 30th of March at 1PM.

My mouth falls open as I read it.

Kira wants to meet me!

A huge grin stretches across my face. I'll get to meet Kira. I hope he's young. This whole thing would be creepy if he was forty or fifty.

I reply quickly before shutting my laptop down.

In under a week I'll meet Kira. It doesn't seem real. 

A/N: I'll try to update tomorrow if I can, it just depends on how much work I have to do and what's going on :/ I might have to take a break from writing for a week or so :/ 

- Alice

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