Chapter Thirteen - Chiharu

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A/N: I've finished planning this story :D 

I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I know I said every day, but life is being a bitch. I had family problems last week, so I stayed with my boyfriend for a few days. 

I'll be updating every Monday from now on, until I'm able to update every day. 

3rd May 2011

I collapse on the floor next to the toilet.

I hate throwing up. I threw up yesterday as well and I have no idea what it is. I've spoken to Light about it and he thinks it's a bug I've caught.

Today I'm supposed to be meeting my new bodyguard. I can't miss it. It will be nice to leave the apartment and not worry about being attacked.


I walk down to the office Light told me about last night. Apparently my new bodyguard is meeting me there.

I open the door and hesitantly walk in. Leaning against the wall is a man I've never seen before. His hair is jet black, and his eyes are a piercing blue. He's handsome.

"Uh... hello?" I say weakly and his eyes meet mine. He offers me a slight smirk and raises his hand slightly. I quick glance around the room tells me we're alone.

"Where's Tachibana-san?" I ask the man. He shrugs.

"If he's the dude that brought me here, then he left not that long ago. I think he was needed for something." He says.

I hold my hand out. "I'm Chiharu." I say, hoping an introduction will let me know what my bodyguard's name is.

He shakes my hand. "I'm Katsumi."

I try not to frown at his unwillingness to give up his last name. Since Kira rose to power, people haven't been hesitant to share their names.

I would have given my last name up, but Light gave me strict orders not to, especially with the AKO around.

"Surname? I hate addressing people by their given name." I ask. He frowns.

He sighs. "Tsubaki."

"It's nice to meet you, Tsubaki-san." I offer him a small smile.

The door handle turns and it's pushed open. Tachibana-san walks in and gives me a polite smile.

"Chiharu-san, I see you have met your new bodyguard. Kira has let me know that you may leave the building, as long as Katsumi-san is with you at all times." He informs me and I nod.

I smile and turn to Katsumi. "Let's go to a park! I want to have a picnic!" I say cheerfully and quickly exit the room. I look behind me to see Katsumi walking quickly to keep up with me. I stop and wait for him to catch up.

"What park do you have in mind?" He asks.

"The one not far from here, I went there a few times when I first moved in. Though I haven't been since." I say, sadness lacing my tone.

"Why not?" He asks. I quickly glance at him as we exit the building.

"My ex-fiancé came back for me. Kira didn't want to risk me being hurt so he said I couldn't go out unless I had someone with me, that's why he hired a bodyguard." I say.

"Oh. What did your ex-fiancé do?" Katsumi asks curiously.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I mumble. The conversation dies and our ears are met with silence, except for the sounds of cars driving past.

We eventually reach my favourite food shop and we go inside. I grab a basket and walk around, picking out food I like. I turn to Katsumi and ask what he wants, and then pick the food he likes out.

We head to the checkout and I pay for the food, before we leave the shop and make our way to the park.

"Here," Katsumi says, holding out money. I shake my head and he rolls his eyes. "Just take it. I don't think Kira would be happy about me taking your money."

I reluctantly take the money from him and put it into my purse.

We reach the park and I find a spot under a tree. I place the bag of food in front of me and pass Katsumi's food to him.

"So what did you do before you got this job?" I ask as I pick up some of my food with my chopsticks.

"I worked in a small shop my friend owns." He says. His blue eyes don't move from my face.

"That's nice. I wish I had a job. My ex-fiancé wouldn't let me work because my job was to look after the flat, and Kira won't let me work because there's no need." I say sadly. "I know some people would love to be able to relax at home every day, but after a while it gets boring and it would be nice to go out and talk to people."

I stop eating and take a sip of water. Nausea putting me off my food instantly.

"Is something wrong? You look a little pale." Katsumi says, I look at him to see his eyebrows are furrowed.

I nod. "I'm fine. I think I've caught some sort of bug. I really hope I don't pass it on to you."

"How long have you had it for?"

"Since yesterday." I mumble. "Maybe we should go back. I'll just eat my food later." 

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