Chapter Twenty-One - Katsumi

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A/N: I'm back! I disappeared for a little bit and I'm sorry. I had a short film to film and edit for college and a ton of other work to do. I'm also very behind on anime too. 

I've finally decided what I'm going to write after I've finished this. The idea has been bothering me for a while, and I've finally given in and started writing it. I'll post more information at the end of this chapter. 

I also highly recommend listening to Amadeus - Kanako Ito. I listened to it while writing this chapter. 

Chapter Twenty-One – Katsumi

21st January 2012

He's here! I think excitedly as the door creaks open.

Shortly after Aki returned after taking Cecilia's body to the hospital so she could be put in the morgue, we began to figure out a plan to lure Kira here so we can kill him. So far, everything is going as planned.

"Welcome," I greet. My voice dark and sinister, my hands clenched tight at my sides. This is it. I can get revenge. I can get rid of the last of the evil in this world.

A man with dishevelled brown hair in a suit steps into the room. He has bags under his eyes and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. I can't imagine how many times his fingers have run through his hair, tugging at the strands in frustration. Is this Kira? Is this what he has become? He must know he's lost.

He's silent.

There's no way he can win. I've made sure of it. He fell into our trap several days ago.

He fell into our trap when he stupidly left pictures of himself laying around and choosing a girl who is easily manipulated.

"You must be Light Yagami." I taunt, a smirk forcing its way across my face. He doesn't flinch and he doesn't say anything. "You think you're so mighty, that you're god and you're better than everyone else... truth is you're not. You're pathetic." A laugh escapes my lips. The menacing cackle echoes throughout the barren room. His eyes are lifeless as he watches me. His eyes don't move and he doesn't move. He stands as still as a statue. He ignores my taunt as if he's already admitted defeat. As if he's already given up.

For someone like him, I thought he would have fought back. Right until the very end. He's not as mighty as he made himself out to be.

I lift my arm up and glance at my watch. It's 2:41 PM. I have four minutes.

13th January 2012

Aki's eyes widen. His eyes move from the wall and meet mine. "Is this over then?" I nod in reply. I walk slowly over to the black notebook. I pick it up and Hana passes me the pen.

Hana's skin is pale, and her face is red and blotchy, especially around her eyes. Whatever little make-up she wears is smudged down her cheeks. She sniffs and brushes her hands across her face, trying desperately to hide the evidence of her crying.

I open the black notebook, turning my back to Hana and Aki. On the page is Cecilia's name. I turn to the next page and hover the pen over the paper. Should I do it now? Maybe I should read the rules first. I can't just write his name down; it seems such a simple thing for something we've worked hard for. If I can turn this into a show I can remember forever, then I won't be disappointed. A perfect ending.

I shut the book and turn to Aki and Hana. "What should we do?" I ask.

"Well, we can't leave Cecilia's body here. I'll take her to the morgue. We can arrange a funeral once this is over." Aki gets up and walks over to Hana and Cecilia. He places a hand on Hana's shoulder and offers her a weak smile, it's barely noticeable. She nods understandingly and stands up.


"We can control him. I can get the revenge I want, and he can't do anything to kill us. We have 23 days to do whatever we like." I say as I flick through the rules.

"23 days? That's plenty of time. How about a week? It gives us time to prepare. In case something goes wrong or she gave us the wrong name." Aki says, his chin resting in his palm.

"So in a week we bring Kira here and then I can do whatever and then he'll die?" Aki nods. "I definitely want to bring him here. He has to die in front of us. We have to know for certain that he is dead and that we have won."

21st January 2012

"You killed my wife, an innocent person. From that day, I knew I had to get revenge. You claim to be a God and that you'll only kill evil. You're not, you're far from a God. You're human like everyone else. A pathetic human with a God complex." I snarl. I step closer towards him and he continues to stare lifelessly at me. The smirk on my face grows.

I walk closer to him. Drawing out my steps, hoping it causes him even more agonising pain and frustration as he realises he can't do anything.

He's a puppet and I'm in control of the strings.

When I'm close enough, I pull my arm back, and send my fist flying into his face. A pain shoots through my hand at the impact, but I ignore it. The satisfaction of punching the man that killed my wife is greater than the pain I feel.

Without a word, I turn around and walk away calmly, letting my hand fall to my side.

Seconds later, I hear a crash on the ground, and I don't have to look to see what happened. I know what happened.

Kira is dead.

We won.

Light Yagami

On the 21st January 2012 at roughly 2:35PM, Light Yagami will go to ****. At 2:45PM, he'll die of a heart attack. 

A/N: We just have the epilogue left D: I'm sort of sad this is over, but sort of relieved. I really hope this chapter wasn't awful. The epilogue will be up soon! 

I left **** where the address should be because I didn't want to make up an address. 

What did you think of this chapter? Leave a comment! 

Please vote as well :3 

After I've posted the Epilogue, I'm going to start writing my own original story called 'Don't Forget Me'. It's about a girl called Lily who suffers with Amnesia after an accident. Not only has she lost some of her memories, but someone that meant a lot to her was taken away.  Lily can't remember what happened, and she doesn't want to remember. Will pieces of her memory start to reappear? How will she cope with the truth of what happened?

I'm not sure what the genre of it is, so I've put it in Teen Fiction. I am hoping to add romance into it, since it's something I love reading and writing about. But romance isn't the key element in the story so I didn't want to put it in that catergory. 

I hope you give it a chance, even though it's not fanfiction or Death Note related at all. 

- Alice

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