Chapter Seventeen - Katsumi

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A/N: I'm back! Everything is sorted now, and I'm finally in a good place to start writing again. I did try Nanowrimo, but I ended up giving up. I've also been dealing with pretty bad anxiety these past few months too, which started off with me throwing up whenever I ate out in public, or if I got anxious shortly after eating. It ended up getting worse and I was throwing up whenever I ate, so I've lost a lot of weight :/ I went to the doctors since it was only getting worse, and I've been put on anti-depressants for it and to help me sleep too. That probably explains why I'm in the mood to write again XD 

I won't go back to daily updates straight away, I'm just going to do weekly and then increase how often I update over time. 

Omg, the worst thing happened when I tried to open this in Word D: it caused it to crash and now I have to resave it as a different name :/ this happens every time I write a story on Word. It's like the program can't handle the file size (or my stories are too epic for it to handle - unlikely). 

4th July 2011

"We can't kill her. It's wrong." I demand. My eyes scan the faces of the members in the room. Hana looks slightly sad, whereas Cecilia looks angry. Aki looks neutral. Was he expecting that this would happen?

"Of course! She's innocent anyway, and now there's a baby... killing them both would just be so cruel and wrong." Hana chimes in. She turns to poke Cecilia, looking at her friend with wide eyes. "You think so too, right?" Cecilia looks at her friend and Cecilia's gaze softens. The black-haired girl nods in agreement.

"We need to target Kira himself. The sooner the better. Maybe we'll be lucky and this kid won't be his." Cecilia says, her eyes moving from Hana to me, almost instantly her gaze becomes harsh.

"Maybe," I mumble. I never considered that this kid could be Hajime's. I doubt we'll ever know who the father is. "So what are we going to do?"

"Aren't you the leader?" Cecilia taunts harshly, her stone grey eyes narrowing at me. I hold my hands up in surrender.

"I just wanted to know what ideas you might have. This is a group, we're all in this together so we all make the plans together." I defend. Her grey eyes only narrow more and I fight off the urge to recede into the wall and vanish. If I stood up to her, there's no way I'll win. Hana's the only one who can stand up to her, since Cecilia wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

"First of all, I wanna know if this chick is actually pregnant. How do you know for sure? We can't just take her word for it, she could be lying." Cecilia puts a hand on her hip. Hana looks up at her friend and nods.

"People lie all the time." Hana adds.

I shake my head. "She was serious. I know her, she wouldn't lie." I defend her. Cecilia frowns.

"You've known her what, a few weeks? You can't trust her. She's on Kira's side, not ours!" Cecilia snaps.

"But she hasn't given us a reason to not trust-" I begin but Cecilia doesn't hesitate to cut me off.

"She went and moved in with Kira. She's on his side. Therefore, I don't trust her." I let out a sigh. There's no winning this fight.

"Let's just believe that she's pregnant. I'm not killing her if there's a possibility that she's telling the truth."

"Then I'll kill her. Simple. If you don't do it, I will."

"I think Katsumi is right." Hana speaks up. She tugs on Cecilia's sleeve to get her attention. "Lia, please. Listen to him. He's the leader. You said so yourself. We think of an alternative plan and leave Chiharu and the baby alive."

Cecilia sighs and her eyes soften when she looks at the smaller girl. "Fine."

I grin. "I say we target Kira himself. I just do my job protecting Chiharu, and maybe one day I'll have an opportunity to meet Kira or find out more information. We'll just figure it out as we go along, right now we don't have enough information to form a decent plan right now."

"But doesn't he live where Chiharu lives, we know where he is. We just storm in." Cecilia says.

"One, they probably have very good security now. Two, we're not even certain that he lives with her. Chances are, she lives on her own and he sees her before he goes home or something." I say quickly.

"Well why don't we start watching the building? We'll monitor who leaves and goes in. I'll work on that, and I'll rent an apartment and set up a camera that watches the building. When we have pictures of everyone that leaves and goes, it will then be your job to figure out exactly who Kira is." Aki says. He turns to Hana and Cecilia. "I'll then trust that you two will find out the identities of everyone we see. There should be records of them somewhere if you dig enough, if not, you should find something out when you tail them."


27th August 2011

It's been so long since we decided to kill Kira. So far, we've had nothing. No information. Out of all the people we saw, we still don't know which one is Kira. Hana and Cecilia have had a lot of trouble identifying some of them, especially as some don't ever return.

Chiharu is clueless and I'm certain that Kira is making sure it stays that way. She's an easy target, she's in the public eye. She's somewhat of a celebrity now. Loved by everyone.

She's carrying Kira's child.

So of course everyone won't hate her. If they do, they know Kira will kill them.

There's no doubting she's pregnant now, she's clearly showing. Now Cecilia is finally against the idea of killing her. I'm relieved that Cecilia has a heart.

"I'm excited. I've barely left the house recently, especially since he made it public. He's really protective over me..." Chiharu's voice trails off. She's never mentioned Kira's name. It's he/him/his or Kira. I look at her and her hazel eyes are staring off in the distance, she's deep in thought again.

"So just baby stuff today?" I say and she nods. The wind catches her brown hair and blows it into her face, she stubbornly pushes it out of her face almost instantly.

"I plan to buy lots of cute clothes!" She says happily. She's so different compared to when I first met her. She's happier. Does that murderer make her happy? It does seem like he's treating her properly, so he can't be that bad. He's better than Hajime.

"Do you even know the gender yet?" I ask her and she nods. Her eyes twinkling with happiness.

"Yes! I found out a week ago. We're both really excited." She claps her hands together. I raise my eyebrow. "Come on, guess. It's a fifty-fifty chance you'll get it correct."

I roll my eyes and sigh. "A boy?" She shakes her head.

"Nope! Come on, guess again."

I roll my eyes again. "But there's only one option left..." My voice trails on and she nudges me with her elbow.

"C'mon. Guess!"

"Fine, a girl then?" She nods enthusiastically. "Have you thought of a name?"

"No, not yet. We have a few ideas."

"You still have a while left, right?"

"Hmm. Luckily."

It goes quiet and we walk the last few remaining steps to the shop.

After over an hour of shopping, we finally leave.

"Chiharu! I'm gonna kill you!" A crazy looking woman is charging towards us, a gleaming knife in her hand.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be updating next Tuesday hopefully! 

Vote and comment :3 I'd like to hear your thoughts on this chapter :D 

- Alice 

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