Date or Not

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Not that long after elle and her friends left my phone vibrated. I pull it out of my pocket and smile when I see the name on my screen.

From: Elle<3


I guess me being food lover set in faster than I expected it would. I'm hopeing he's more excited about it than freeked out.


I got a reply almost instantly. My friends all gathered around me to see what he said.

From: Niall:)

Hey. Howd you like finding out I was food lover?

I dident want to freek him out but I was supper excited but also kind of nervious. Ive never had a celebrity friend before. Was I suposed to act different. After thinking of the right words to say i texted him back.


I couldent wait for her relpy so when she finally did I was very excited to see what she said.

From: Elle <3

I'm excited but also nervious.

*Their texts*

From: Niall:)

What parts making you nervious

From: Elle <3

You being famous. I've never had a friends who was famous before.

From: Niall:)

You'll get used to it. But don't treat me any differently than you would have before.

From: Elle <3

Ok that's good to know.


They'd been texting and calling for about a week now and had gotten to know about about each other. He learned that she used to be teased bc she used to be that nerdy little girl in elementary school. She learned that he used to have bottom braces and no one knew about it.


We'd been texting for a week and I really wanted to meet up with her again and I have the perfect opportunity this weekend. Our tour bus is makeing a stop in her town so I could maybe see her then. I texted her asking her if shed like to and she couldent have been happier when I told her.


He said he was comming to town. Yay :) I couldent wait to see him. It felt like forever since i saw him. Since we had enough time we decided to meet at a putt putt golf place.


I decided for my suprise to work we needed to go to a place we could play a game. She decided on putt putt golf and I loved the idea.


We met up at the place. He was a gentlemen of corse and bought for me to play.

~20min later~

Were at the last whole and he's winning by 1point. For some reason I really wanted to win. I won & I was so happy I wss jumping up and down for excitement and he was laughing and my exciment. Were walking out the doors and he stops me just after we get outside. He looks me in the eyes and asks me to be his girlfriend. I was speechless and when I finally got my words back I said yes and jumpes into his arms and huged me, he smiled and huged me back. After he let me go from the hug he pulled out a box and it had a necklace in it. It was an infinidy necklace that had his name in it. He put it on me and said so I don't forget I'm his and neither does anyone else.


She said yes and I was so happy but what made me even happier was her reaction. I put the necklace on her and her smile gets even bigger. She turns around and gives me a hug I know we just started dateing but she just looked so cute. I leaned down and kissed her. When we pull apart she looks so happy. Infortunatly it was time for me to get back on the bus. I know all the guys are looking at us through the windows but i dident care. We said good bye and huged and kissed one more time. I walk her to her car then get on the bus. When I got on zayn & liam are going ooooo and Harry & liam are makeing kissy faces. I smile and them them to shut up. Nothimg could ruin my mood I was to happy.


Today was the best day of my life. Just being ablr to hang with niall made me the happiest girl in the world but then he asked me out, and of corse I said yes, he gave me a necklace then he kissed me. I couldent be happier. Today was amazing nothing could ruin my happy high.

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