Chapter 3

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"I have the feeling someone's watching!" he said, with his eyes so big they almost fell out of their socket. "Now?" Gianluca asked. We both didn't really knew exactly what he was talking about. "Is that what you wanted to tell or is there something else you wanted to tell but there's someone watching?" I asked. That question was definitely better than the 'now?' from Gianluca because I wanted to get a full answer as good and as soon as possible.
"Well, actually, I think she's indeed watching us now! Or at least she's inspecting the house." Jonas told us everything he was thinking about this possible stalker. Apparently she sat every time Jonas passed by our house, in a black car on the other side of the street. "Why would she sit there every time again?" Jonas asked, not really expecting us to answer but trying to explain why she sat there. Gianluca looked at me with a hesitating look on his face... "It's probably because of me!" he said. "Why?" Jonas asked immediately. "Ehm...I'm kind of a 'celebrity'?" Gianluca said, still very humble even though he was saying of himself he was famous. "Ow, yeah, that's right. I sometimes forget that", Jonas said. "That's good!" Gianluca said without further explanation.
"So," I said a bit nervous, while thinking about a possible stalker just some meters away, "are you absolutely sure about it?"
Jonas walked to the window and carefully looked into the distance to find a sign she was there. "What's this?" he said a bit angry. "She's gone?" he said like I was supposed to know why. I walked to the window. "I also don't see anything suspicious. "What do you think Gianluca?" I asked him. He came over to the window as well and laid his hand on my back. After investigating the neighbourhood, he concluded there was nothing to worry about. Or at least not today. "We'll keep an eye on it, Jonas!" he said. "It's so straaange!" Jonas said. "Don't worry Jonas," I said, "if there's something suspicious, we'll call the police. Problem solved!" I wondered why he couldn't come up with that solution himself, he was always the smartest. Maybe he was too confused about the fact 'the stalker' was gone, to think rational and clear.
"Maybe I should go", he said. "Maybe, I'm the weirdo myself. I'm possibly imagining things."
"No," Gianluca said, "why would you do that! But maybe it's not a stalker. She could also just live here and like to sit a lot in her car", he smiled. Gianluca was such a sweetie. He always tried to make people happy again. Or make them feel comfortable again. He just thought more about someone else than about himself. Me too actually. I was most of the time thinking 'does the other person like this or that' instead of what I wanted (except from journalists). It was something we had in common. Like a lot of other things. We both liked lasagna for example. Okay, that's not a good example. Everyone likes lasagna. We both...we both...well actually we are also very different. But that's good! It brings variation. But I just meant, we both think the same a lot. Perhaps that's even the best thing people can have in common. Because we almost didn't need to talk to each other to know what the other was thinking and no one was ever disappointed by things the other one did or said because we both would think the same. Well, almost everytime. Not that time Gianluca wanted to climb a mountain while it was 35 degrees. But I think it's because he is Italian and I'm not. He lives in a warm country for his whole life. And then there's me...I'm from Belgium, a very rainy country and not often such good weather as in Italy. So I wasn't used to those high temperatures while he was.

Jonas was gone and the first thing we both did was go to the window and check if there was a mysterious woman or so. But no, nothing to see. "I'm wondering if there's really a woman outside that watches us. I don't really know what to think about it", I said. "Me neither", he lifted his shoulders and touched my chin to make sure I kept looking to him. "No mather if there's someone watching or not..." he said very serious, "I'll always protect you!" I smiled but a strange feeling filled the air. I didn't feel at ease anymore. Just thinking about someone spying us, felt already the same like it would be real. Because you actually never know when someone's watching, that's what they do of course, they try not to be visible for the ones they're watching. A cold shiver ran over my back. Gianluca saw I was not feeling that well. He took me between his strong arms and indeed, it felt like he really was protecting me. Like a shield. "Hold me like that for the rest of the day please!" I said, leaning my head against his shoulder. I felt his lips on my head somewhere. He probably was covering me with 'protection kisses' and I wanted to do the same, because I wanted to protect him of course. But I didn't want to change my position on his shoulder. It was good there.

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