Chapter 6

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one hour later

When I came down the stairs after I put some more appropriate clothes on, I heard Gianluca talking to someone. I saw him standing at the window with his phone in his hand. "No," he said short. "No, scusi." It didn't sound like it was family or a friend. He turned around when he heard me enter the room and smiled to me and then he only said bye to the other person on the phone.
"Who was that?" I asked curious. "You get three guesses!" he laughed. "Oh...a journalist?"
"Right!" he said before he kissed my forehead while passing by to clear the table. "You know..." I said. "No, I don't know," he said while he wasn't supposed to say something. "...I was thinking about that stalker we never actually saw..." Gianluca quit clearing the table and looked at me. "Maybe she is a journalist and have we, or you, already met her. Because those journalists are behaving like stalkers. At least that's my opinion." Gianluca looked serious and let me finish talking. "How else do they have you're number? Or why do they know where you live? Maybe there's someone of your friends, or other people with your phone number, that gave it to other people?" Gianluca looked at me and said he didn't really think someone had given his number. "It's the same story with Piero and Ignazio!" he said, but then he thought about that again. "I think!" So he was not that sure about it. "You know what I was thinking?" he then said. "I think, there is no stalker. Why haven't we seen her yet?" he asked rhetorically. "Because there is no stalker. At least, I have never seen the black car where Jonas was talking about." When he said that he walked to the living room to see if he was still right. "Okay, I take back my words!" he said. I ran towards the window. "What?" And indeed, I saw it too. A black car, but no one in it. And suddenly another great theory popped into my mind. "What if she is the stalker of someone else?" Gianluca looked doubtfull. I thought about it again and realized if I was a stalker and I had to choosebetween Gianluca or someone else, I would follow Gianluca. In my opinion, every woman would follow him instead of someone else. But the woman was gone. "Maybe..." I said enthusiast about another great theory, " she the secret lover of some other man in this street." After I said that Gianluca laughed. "So she waits all the time in her car to be sure the real lover of that man isn't home?"
I nodded, "something like that!"
"Let's take that as the truth, then we don't need to worry about it anymore!" Gianluca said, smiling. "Okay!" I said happy, hoping I could really forget about it.

half an hour later

I heard Gianluca and his ringing phone come down the stairs. "No!" he only said when he answered the call. "Since when did you became so friendly?" I laughed. "Don't laugh, I just realized that was Ignazio." It made me even laugh harder, while Gianluca was very serious and worried because he just had been rude to Ignazio. His phone rang again. "Igna," Gianluca said immediately but apparently, this time it wasn't him. "Ow, scusi and no I don't have time. Ciao." He immediately stopped the phone call without waiting what the other person had to say. "And that was not Ignazio!" I noticed. "No," he smiled, thinking about his little fail. "I'm going to call Ignazio back," he said and walked to the bench in the backyard. It was the 3th of December but it was not freezing cold yet, so that was all possible.
Meanwhile I took a magazine from the table and sat down in the living room to read for a while. Or to look at pictures. "Ugly, ugly, bwa, hmm, beautiful, ugly..." I thought while judging the clothes in the magazine. "Gianlucaaaa," I than yelled enthusiast, because I just saw the most wonderful wedding dress I had ever seen. He just finished his phone call with Ignazio and was already back in the kitchen, smiling because of my enthusiasm. "Look!" I said while I put the picture of the wedding dress under his eyes. "I can't see if it's that close," he said and he took the magazine out of my hands and inspected the picture. When he saw what I was showing him, his eyes lit up. Thinking about the wedding made us both very, very happy. "Let's go shopping today!" was the only thing he said. "Okay, great idea!" I said happy. "At least, if you don't mind that I see your dress before the wedding?" I loved traditions, but not too much. "No of course not, but only if I can see your clothes as well. Because they have to match as much as we do!"

A few minutes later we were already outside, ready to go hunting for the most important clothes of our lives. Gianluca was already in the car but he forgot one thing because of all his enthusiasm. "Gianluca," I yelled, while waiting at the front door. "The door!" I said, pointing toward the door lock. He walked out of the car and threw the keys to me, very risky but I luckily could catch them before they landed in the bushes. After I closed the door, I ran towards the car because it seemed like Gianluca was ready to leave any second without me and I thought I was quite essential in the search for a wedding dress for myself.

two hours later

"We are so lucky we found the clothes that fast! I mean, some people search days and days for a weddingdress. And we just walk in the first store and find it immediately!" I said happy. "That deserves a reward!" Gianluca said while laying the clothes very carefull in the car trunk. We also bought his tuxedo already. "Are we going to lunch in that...," he stopped talking because his phone rang. We both looked to each other like 'no, not again'. Gianluca looked to his phone and it was obviously someone we knew. "Hi Jonas, tell me..." but then his face made some weird expressions. At first very surprised and happy but just one second later I saw the fear in his eyes. So I stepped closer, hoping I could hear what Jonas had to say.

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