Chapter 7

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"Okay, we come as fast as possible!" Gianluca said hurried. "What?" I asked confused, still not knowing what this was all about. When the phone call ended, Gianluca looked to me with big eyes. "The baby!" he only said. At first I thought it was good news but then I realized that was way too early. "That's not right!" I said when we both sat in the car, ready to go to Jonas' house. "I hope we're on time," Gianluca said worried. "Please be careful!" I said, because Gianluca was not that calm this time. "Sure," he said while concentrating on the road. I wanted to ask why they didn't call the ambulance but I didn't because I didn't want to disturb Gianluca, who was doing his very best to be at Jonas' house as fast as he could. 

Jonas and Carlotta were not really lucky actually because just at this moment, their own car was broke. And they only had one. 

Gianluca didn't really explain what was going on. So 'the baby' was all I knew. Was Carlotta in pain or how did she know there was something wrong? Maybe she was already giving birth to the baby, my little niece, 2 months too early! I couldn't keep quiet for a long time. "Oh no, that's like two months too early!" I said worried. "We're almost there," Gianluca only said.

2 hours later

"What's going on inside?" I asked frustrated because I really wanted to know. "If it was all good, we would've known it already!" I said. Gianluca sat on a chair in the corridor of the hospital but I couldn't. I walked from left to right in front of Gianluca. "Yeah, but if it was hopeless, we would've known it as well! So just hope for the best!" he said calm. "How can you stay so calm on moments I'm totally losing control!" I said amazed, but then I thought back of him in the car, just 2 hours ago, so I was not entirely right. "...Eh...I don't happens!" he said while he stood up and came towards me. He took my hand and walked back to the chairs. "Just sit down!" he said. "Eh, okay!" I said. "And now, breath in." I did what he said. "And out..." It worked a bit, but it seemd like I had to give birth to a baby.
"Whoooohooooow!" we suddenly heard out of the room where Carlotta was. "That...was definitely my brother!" I said smiling. "I think everything is alright in there!" Gianluca laughed. "Hopefully, but now I'm even more curious," I said. Gianluca smiled to me, "well, I think it's not that difficult to guess." And then the door opened and we saw an overhappy Jonas coming out of the room. "I am a daddyyy!" he yelled happy. "What? Woooow!" I screamed and I hugged him. Gianluca followed my example. "Can we see her?" Gianluca asked enthusiast. "I think so," Jonas answered and he walked inside.

"You can come!" he said loud. Gianluca let me go first. I was quite nervous. My brother just became the dad of a little baby girl. When I saw her I first thought she was so little. "So she is born two months to early, that's why she is so small... and has a lot of wrinkles," Jonas laughed. "Even so, she's beautiful!" I said. "And she has a lot of wonderful hair already!" Gianluca added. "She looks very Italian!" I smiled. "But she is half Italian and half Belgian of course!" Jonas explained. "Oh, what's her name?" I almost forgot to ask that. "Well, luckily we just decided it a week ago, otherwise we wouldn't have known it now. And she is called...Viola!" he said satisfied. "Violaaa!" Gianluca screamed, "that's like music to my ears!"

a few minutes later

Viola had to stay in an incubator, because she was of course born two months too early. After the excitement of this sudden birth, Jonas told us about the possible complications. It was possible she could have a handicap, but that was not certain and they couldn't see it right now. She also had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks, so we would also be in the hospital a lot the upcoming days. She was just too cute, to not see her as much as possible, was my little niece! The first one. Gianluca was going to Jonas and Carlotta's house to pick up a few things for Carlotta, because she had to stay too for a few days. It was not an easy day for her, so she looked exhausted and she was, so we all let her rest inside the room. Jonas was calling with our mother and after that he had to let the news know to some other family members and friends. And me, I was waiting on the same chairs as before. Not knowing why I didn't accompany Gianluca because I couldn't do anything in the hospital anymore at the moment.

Gianluca's POV

After I picked up some clothes and other usefull stuff for Carlotta, I decided to go home and pick our present for Viola up as well. We already bought it when we we're shopping one month earlier. It was the most wonderfull teddy bear we ever saw, so we decided to buy it already, even though that was way too early as well.

"Scusi," I heard when I walked back to the car. I looked up and saw a blond, tall woman. I hadn't seen her before, but I definitely recognized the car I saw behind her.

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