Chapter 36

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I told Gianluca everything about what happened between me and Ignazio. Well actually, nothing happened. But I just needed to tell him. Ignazio never told me I wasn't allowed to tell it to Gianluca. Besides, I needed him to know if I wanted to help Ignazio. I couldn't see him all by himself everyday. He was unhappy. It was more obvious everyday. 

"Of course I'm not mad!" Gianluca said when I asked if he perhaps was. "I'm just very surprised. I never noticed it."
"No one did I guess," I answered. And no one sees he needs some help. Except from me. "Of course I want to help! But how?" Gianluca asked. "Oh and I can't be mad at him about that. I should be mad at the ones who are NOT in love with you? Because how is it possible someone doesn't see how a beautiful person you are?" That really made me shy for a moment. He saw it and kissed my nose. "Believe me!"

"So now, what's your plan for helping Ignazio?"
"It's not really a plan. Just help him on the right moment!" He already nodded his head like he knew exactly what I meant. "No need for further explanations!" he said. "I get it!" He seemed very enthousiastic about this sudden project of ours. It was like it made him forget the concert. Maybe that was good.

3 hours later

I walked to my seat on the front row. We arranged it last minute. Gianluca was like "I will not perform if she's not on the first row!" I was flattered. If someone asks how life is as Gianluca's girlfriend. Just tell them it's like you're the last girl on the planet. Everyone will understand.

I sat not in the middle but more to the right. For Gianluca it was left. When I looked to my own left I saw a very charming, interesting girl. She had light brown curly hair and a beautiful face. But really beautiful, nothing fake and an enchanting smile. I saw that because the girl next to her said something to her that made her smile. I'm pretty sure it was about the boys. Ilvolover? Of course, there was no other option. Otherwise they wouldn't be at an Il Volo concert. I was too shy to start a conversation with her so I looked around to the other people in my neighbourhood. There were people from all ages. How nice. It made me even feel like we were not the typical 'fangirls' because most of them were not girls. There were women, children, men. To me it felt like going to an Italian family party. Because there were definitely people who wanted to scream some things to Il Volo and then they were going to respond to that like everyone knows each other. Besides almost all the people at an Il Volo concert can sing the songs. Even in other countries it was like that. Basicaly because Italian people who live in Belgium for example are the ones who go to the concert. And the ones who are not really Italian feel like they're Italian and know all the words of the songs too.

The music started. I looked to the girl next to me. To my surprise she was smiling to me. "Hello!" I said. "Hi Aline!" Sometimes it was hard to know if I really knew a person or not. Since I was Gianluca's girlfriend, I was a bit famous too. This time I thought she was just a fan who knew me. Secretly, I hoped she was not in love with Gianluca. I didn't want to hurt her feelings.I also hoped that she was genuinely friendly and not only because I was the girlfriend of Gianluca. But her eyes told me the truth. She was friendly! That was sure. "Nice to meet you!" she said and then we both looked to the stage where the musicians had already started. I felt kinda nervous now. Gianluca had to start the first song, like he almost always did.

"Sono qui..." he sang, like nothing ever happened. "Guardami!" He did it! It was perfect, like always. No mistakes. He looked at me during volare and I smiled proudly to him. I hope he felt my support and that he was going to perform the entire show like that. Without any mistake. Well, probably he would tell what the mistakes were after the show but of course no one would have noticed them.

It was the fourth song of the show already. After the chorus he opened his mouth to start the next verse. But nothing came. He looked confused. His eyes wide open, like he was in shock. He then let the audience sing. "Good solution Gianluca!" I thought. He suddenly remembered the last sentence from that verse so he sang it, but he doubted a bit because he was not entirely sure if it was right. Luckily it was. The chorus went well, but I knew he could do that because he already sang it one time in this song. But he still didn't seem to be very calm. Like he already was aware he didn't knew the next words. While singing he looked to Piero and Ignazio the whole time. He was checking if he sang the right part on the right time. He did it perfectly at home while practicing but it was probably since the mistake that he was confused now for the whole song.

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