Chapter 27

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Two days later

Gianluca's POV

It was Friday the 28th of December. Chiara still hadn't showed up. Very suspicious actually, like she still knew there were some other people in the room. It was evening and Jonas and Carlotta were staying for the night. Tomorrow morning Aline would be here again (I looked foreward to that very much!). And before Jonas, Ignazio was here, after Piero and Sofia left. And then, we repeated that. It was like that for two days already. We had now another chair in the room, the nurses and doctors found it weird I was never alone anymore. But we gave them a simple explanation about not being Alone in this Christmas period and also about talking to each other to give me my memories back. They accepted that explanation and let us do what we wanted. They probably didn't want to say something about it because I was a celebrity. I didn't mind for once. Normally, I would prefer that other people treat me like a 'normal' person. But this time I was quite happy, they didn't. Otherwise they would have sent the others home and who knows what could have happened then? Chiara and me alone? She could kidnap me. I felt more at ease with the others in my neighborhood.

My heart stopped when I saw the door move a bit. I was shocked, just like Jonas and Carlotta. We didn't move, all frozen from this strange thing that was happening. It became even more strange when the door closed again, very soft. "Was that her?" Jonas whispered shocked. "I don't know, but I think so...since it's not a thing normal people would do? Maybe it was a nurse, but why would she open the door in such a careful way? They normally just enter the room after knocking short on the door. "Come on Carlotta!" Jonas said, pulling Charlotta out of her chair all of a sudden. "We're gonna follow her!"

Before I realized, he was gone and had taken Carlotta with him, who seemed also surprised by what was happening. "Okay?" I said, feeling a bit deserted. They left me all alone! What if Chiara was hiding in the hospital, expecting the others to go outside and then come and visit me again? I took my phone and called Ignazio. "Igna! Jonas and Carlotta are following Chiara...we think. Please come over because what if she's still here? I'm feeling a bit...lonely!" I said. "Okay, I'm coming right away!" He stayed in a hotel not so far away, so he would be here the fastest.

Jonas' POV

We didn't know where she went but we were going to the parking lot. But unfortunately, not a glimpse of some woman that reminded me of Sofia. We looked around and then a car catched my eye. I had a very good memory. So out of all the cars on the parking lot, I immediately recognized the black car I had seen before. "There!" I said, pointing to the car. But of course Carlotta didn't know what was suspicious about a black car on a parking lot. "It's the car I talked about a few weeks ago! The one from that stalker!"

Chiara's POV

I saw them looking at my car. No way I was gonna take that car again. They would follow me without a doubt. I hated days like these. My plan was not as good as I thought. I should've known those others like to play detective games. Stupid kids. I hate that brother of Aline. Actually...I hate them all. Except from Gian of course. He loves me too! I feel that. He only didn't realize that there was a more beautiful person on this planet when he wrote those stupid letters to that bitch. 'Oh Aline, la mia principessa...blablabla!' Rubbish. I should've burnt them all. That brother from her and the other girl were looking through the windows (even though it were tinted windows) of my car and probably seeing the box. But I let them think what they wanted, I wouldn't take that car again, too risky. And if they were gonna focus on that black car, I could drive in a white car without being noticed. It's as simple as that. White cars enough by the way, no one would notice me between all the other cars.

Or no, I had a better idea. I was going back inside. I was going to start plan B finally. It made me excited. I loved days like that, haha.

Gianluca's POV

I decided to text Piero about what was happening. I was quite sure it was Chiara at the door, so why wait. Everyone needed to come. So I also called Aline to tell her the news. "What? Perhaps she's there and comes to your room! I can't let that happen. You can't be alone in there! I don't trust that! Do the others know?"
"Yes, everyone knows!"
"Okay, good, I'm coming!" And then she hung up the phone. Probably already running outside. I hoped she would be careful, because otherwise we would be both lying half dead in the hospital. But to be honest I didn't feel like that. I was quite healthy. I only had a broken arm and lost memories. That's all. No big deal. I laughed with it myself. Because the part of losing my memories was of course one of the worst things that had happened. My phone rang. It was Jonas. "Did you find her?" I asked curious. "No, but we found something else! The letters!" I was so happy when I heard that. Untill he said where he had found them. "Do you remember we spoke about a stalker a few weeks ago?"
"Eh...maybe...I mean...I have to think about that for a while. But why?" I asked confused.
"Well...I found the car, the black car that always stood in front of your house...across the street."
"Black car..."
"Do you reme..."
"Sssst!" I said, because I was bussy thinking and I was almost there.
"Jonas!" I screamed. "I remember something!"

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