Chapter 4: Different plans, different people

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~In Adrien's house~

"Plagg, hurry up! I need to go fight her and get Marinette back to normal!" says Adrien.

"But how do you know, if it is Marinette for sure? I know it is Ladybug but I don't think it's Marinette who's behind that strong disguise." says Plagg as he eats one more camembert.

"I know...I know it's her behind that mask. She...She reminds me of her...Marinette. She has blue hair with blue bell eyes, blue hair with pigtails everyday and those earrings that looks like Ladybug's. It's her, Plagg...It's her." 

"So you know that means you hurt Ladybug, who is your love of your life. You know that right, Adrien?" 

"Yeah, that's why I'm trying to save her from Hawkmoth. I'm trying to save a friend and my love of my life. So that's why I'm going to save her even though I die for her, Plagg. Now let's go! You ate enough camembert."


"Plagg, claws out! *transforming*"

"Now let's go! We need to save Ladybug, my bugaboo!"

~Meanwhile in Hawkmoth's place~

"Sorry, Hawkmoth. I couldn't do anything but changing my emotions towards Chat Noir and Adrien."

"It's okay, Miss Fortune. You are not going to fail. I feel it already. You can be the one who can bring me his miraculous along with yours's. Now, you shall go and accomplish your mission. Good luck, Miss Fortune."

"Thank you, Hawkmoth." says Marinette as she leaves.

Chat Noir came in front of the city hall where he promised to see Miss Fortune here and continue to fight to get his miraculous and for him, to get his lady back.

'This time, I swear to god, that I will bring m'lady back with me normal.' thinks Adrien.

When Chat Noir was thinking, he saw Miss Fortune arriving to the city hall and he watched her as she lands to the ground. 

"You are pretty fast, Chat Noir. Like hurting someone's feelings without thinking about the others."

"I know. I'm pretty fast. But what you said is not true. Totally not true."

"Oh yeah? Then watch this little movie I made for you. Especially for you!

Adrien surprises as he watches Marinette crying because of Adrien hurting her feelings and make her feel bad about her life. That made Adrien get mad at himself and get sad too. As soon as Adrien starts crying, Marinette watches him cry and they made an eye contact with him which made her heart flustered and could not pay attention. The spot almost came off but it didn't come off that easily.

'Damn it! I was so close of taking off one spot from her earrings!' thinks Adrien as he still regrets.

"Why aren't paying attention to me!" says Marinette as she uses her yo-yo to pull him to her.

"Listen, kitty. If you don't pay attention, there is a high possibilities that you will be done in 3 seconds. Just because I looked at you, if doesn't mean that you need to get flustered over me. And remember I'm NOT the Ladybug you know now. I'm Miss Fortune. Understood, kitty?"

"No, I didn't, M'Lady." says Adrien as he smiles at her and starts attacking. 

They started attacking from their opposite side and that worked for Miss Fortune but it didn't work for Chat Noir. He was in pain but he didn't give up. 

'We both different plans. M'Lady is always attacking from the other side but I'm attacking from forward. This is totally different but I know how to attack her now.' thinks Adrien as he attacks.

"So Chat Noir, you don't have a partner. How do you feel? Sad, lonely?" says as she stops attacking him.

"I feel everything that is depressing. How about you without me?"

Marinette was shocked as she heard that and one of her spots came off as she flustered for Chat Noir. She didn't notice this but Chat Noir is using every method to make the spots come off one by one.

'One more spot came off. 3 more spots to go!' thinks Adrien.

"What are you waiting for, M'Lady? Aren't you going to come and get me?"

"Ugh! Chat Noir, you won't survive this fight. You are going to see me getting hurt anyways which that is a situation you don't want to see. Because you don't want to hurt me."

"No, I don't want to hurt you..." 

'A cat in a cheese trap! Good, now for the attack!'

When Chat Noir wasn't paying attention to what Miss Fortune was planning to do and still was thinking about her saying "Because you don't want to hurt me." That's right. Adrien doesn't want to hurt her. But when he was repeatedly thinking about that, it was too late to realize that Miss Fortune is attacking him.

"Pay attention, you stupid cat!"


When Adrien got hit by Marinette's attack, he was being unconscious and before he falls down to the ground he said...

'Really is a different plans, different people. Marinette has changed. She didn't wanted to hurt me but she is hurting me. I do deserve this since I hurt her feelings more than this... Sorry M'Lady... For underestimating you...You are now officially one of the different people."

But then, he fell to the ground and Marinette came back to her senses for 1 minute. 

"Nonononono...I...I...I hurt him...He is now hurt because of me...It's all my fault...I'm sorry, Chat Noir, Adrien...Please, never forgive me, what I have done to you...But please come back alive...There is no point in my life, if you are not included...Please...come back to me...Adrien...Adrien!"

Now that Adrien is unconscious, Marinette came back to her senses for one minute. She was not getting controlled by Hawkmoth and she came back but when she realized Adrien was on the ground, Marinette was in very bad depression. Now that Adrien is gone, there is no one to save Paris. Ladybug is akumatized and now she is Miss Fortune and Adrien is unconscious which he is Chat Noir. Now Paris is endangered. Will Adrien wake up and save Paris? or will Miss Fortune will take his miraculous without saving Paris?

Find out in the next chapter: I'm sorry...

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