Chapter T2e0nty-2

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How was your weekend? Mine was very cool. Why you ask, well as of Friday 11.11.11 I finally got my very first complete story I Knew I Loved You...Did You? ebook published! If you wanna buy it and support me coz you are such great readers click on the link on the side and it will take you to where you can get a digital copy!

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Happy reading and I'm sorry in advance if there's any mistakes (I'm in rush to post this as I am heading out to go to work...unless you wanted me to post this tomorrow? I didn't think so)




The lull of a song in my head and the roar of an engine in the background are indications that I am not where I have lost consciousness back at the party. Add the forward inertia with some restraint holding me back in the equation and I am sure that I’m not lying in Kyle’s arms back at Nick’s manor. The sleek feel of leather on my exposed skin and its scent wafting through my nose rather intensely was enough to jolt me to consciousness.

I was right. I am in a car speeding to god knows where with Kyle intent on getting us not killed as he moves the vehicle forward on the long stretch of highway to the unknown destination. His face shows urgency like there is something that he cannot miss on. I still don’t know where he’s taking me even as he drove, I can barely see through the tinted windows of the car because everything is a blur.

When I looked down on my attire, I’m still wearing my eggplant shaded party dress. I moved my eyes to assess Kyle and found that even he is still wearing his suit except he doesn’t have his jacket on or his tie for that matter. He actually appears dishevelled to me. Stress is projected out of body language as I watched his arm muscles tense and the rest of his body stiff for that matter.

He looked over at the rear view mirror and then looked quickly in the backseat but I couldn’t let him know yet that I am awake so I just stared ahead at the darkness known as the road. With his phone ringing jarring through my ears like fingernails on a chalkboard, I just wanted to tell him to answer it just to stop the annoying noise. Again, I stayed put and let things fall in his hands. Eventually, he answered.

“…no not yet…I’m almost there though. Yeah, I will see you there. Okay, bye” he said swiftly and if it’s even possible his speed increased.

“Alie, come on.” I heard him mutter.

‘Alie, come on’ what? What is he on? Once again he looked back in the rear of the vehicle. Is something chasing us? Is that why he’s driving so fast? I’m not worried about us crashing because I know he and my brothers go to a race circuit once in a while to blow off steam or just to have that feeling of letting loose on the tracks with very high speed of driving. It’s really an adrenaline rush to drive without the worry of a speeding ticket safely and securely.

I felt someone stroke my hair from my face and I opened my eyes to see that I am laying in the backseat of the car with my head on someone’s lap. I don’t even remember closing my eyes or moving from the front seat to the lie on the back. I blinked a few times to get my eyes adjusted and see whose lap I was leaning on.

“Talia, what happened?” Carmen asked as she looked at me with a sad face.

I was afraid to talk from fear of detection but when I looked up at Kyle he seemed not to hear Carmen speak even if she was loud and clear in my ears through the roar of the engine. I tried sitting up but Carm settled her palm firmly on my forehead to stop me from getting up. When I stopped trying she just continued to stroke my hair.

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