Chapter T2e0ty-4our

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How's it going? So, I give you the penultimate chapter of Fireworks!

One more and we are done(I guess two more if you count the epilogue)

Check out the video & picture on the side along with the facebook external link that I would like for you to like. :)

Thank you to those who have been with me through and through.

I love writing this story because I found how versatile my characters turned out to be growing alongside the whole thing.

Tell me why you like/love/hate reading this story.

Oh, about that side story for Spencer, I decided that I am not going to write it because it will be pretty much explained with this chapter. 

Another thing, you get to find out what Kyle's gift said as well as the card.

Ha! Melsworld look I am actually remembering to tie loose ends here :)

A few chapters back remember how Natalie found Kyle hiding under her office table? for some reason unknown to me, I keep on forgetting to explain or even squeeze in the 4-1-1. So, in that chapter (17 to be exact) Kyle & Natalie were in Greece and they bumped into Kyle's old fling (London Constatinou) who he tried avoiding because he doesn't like her like that at all or anymore for that matter.

Anyway, when Kyle was looking for a place to hide, he went into Natalie's office and thought that it's best to hide under the table since no one will sit behind it except for her. The massaging part was just his teasing ways ;)



Hospitals have nothing to offer me but grief. Today is a different story. Today I become an Auntie to two gorgeous baby girls. As of December 20th at approximately 6:35 p.m. Christiane Emilie Ashburn was born. A couple of minutes later, her twin sister Carmel Adrienne Ashburn followed suit. Both are healthy weighing at 7 lbs. 12 oz. & 7 lbs. 6oz. 20 inches long. I don’t know how my sister-in-law Liz did it but she did! I mean it was even a normal delivery but a fast one at that.

The whole family came in mere hours of the delivery time and it was like a huge family reunion. An awkward one but not unexpected – with everything that’s going on – unless it was just really me who was awkward the whole time I was around them.

It has been four months since I walked out on Kyle and seeing him for the first time felt like I’ve been punched in the gut. He looks different. In a good way, I mean but there is this shadow on his eyes that tells me he feels like lashing out on me for what I did back then.

Since I left San Sebastian, I went straight back to my family in North America. I was thankful for Nate for not asking me how I was feeling or what had happened when I asked him to move my office here instead of keeping it in Athens.

I didn’t break up with Spence. I know I said I would because there’s really no reason for me to be with him but he hasn’t done anything to me so, why ruin something that was good? Okay, I also know that I did cheat on him with Kyle which I still don’t regret. Oh god, I really need counselling.

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