Chapter 1

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CHAPTER 1: First Day

Steve's POV

Today is my third year at Marvel Prep, and I couldn't be any less nervous. But Captain America never gets nervous. Wrong. It's only a matter of time when I graduate, and then the "adult missions" start happening. In regular high schools, when you graduate you go to college. But at Marvel Prep, a SUPERHERO school, you are immediately thrown into the arena to help save the world with other heroes.

I'm currently debating on whether to skip or have Tony drag me out of my room. You're probably thinking, why is he in Tony Starks house? Well, my parents died freshman year and Tony's parents were the guardians picked out for me. I'm grateful it wasn't Bucky's family.


James Buchanan Barnes.

My best friend since pre-school.

Bucky and I aren't friends at the moment. He was there at the funeral, and told me he was there for me to talk anytime. That was two years ago. And I regret not talking to him. He would attempt to try and speak to me, but being a complete idiot, I ignored him.

We moved on, I have my friends and he has his. They are nice people, and I'm glad he was able to make friends after his arm surgery. Long story.

"Rogers! Quit daydreaming and get your patriotic ass downstairs," Tony called from his room.

"Language! I'm coming," I said and went downstairs to see one of Tony's robots cooking.

"Now you have them cooking for you? Tony you are the laziest guy I know," I said and he glared at me and handed me a plate of waffles.

"Says the guy who scolded me for cursing," he said and ate.

"So, how'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Not very well, I keep having the same dream," I said finishing my food.

"Of Bucky," Tony mused.

"Yeah, and I'm not sure if it's a sign to talk to him again, or to keep avoiding him," I said.

"Well Cap, you can't avoid him forever. He's your best friend," he said playing with the robots control panel.

"Maybe your right," I said moving away from the island and placing my plate in the sink.

"Maybe?" Tony said smug.

There was a knock on the door, and I wasn't shocked as to who it was.

"Banner, what are you wearing?" I asked.

"My lab uniform, it protects me from chemicals getting on my clothes," he said and I nodded as he walked towards Tony and kissed his cheek.

"Hey babe, I was just telling Steve that he would be honored to help you with your lab final next week," Tony said and I quirked an eyebrow at him as he mouthed a "for me please" with a puppy dog face on.

"Wow Steve, what a surprise thank you!" Bruce said grinning ear to ear.

"I'm just as surprised as you, well we better get going now," I said looking at my nonexistent watch.

We all hopped into Tony's Ferrari, and drove to school where we would meet our other friends.

"Good morning boys, Steve you look like shit as usual," Clint said with his arm around Natasha.

"Thanks, I was going for the hopeless look today," I said rolling my eyes.

"How much sleep did you get?" Nat asked.

"2 hours, new record," I said.

"Well try to beat it sweetie," Nat said. She's always been motherly towards me when my parents passed, and I'm grateful she doesn't pressure me to open up.

While we were discussing new mission tests coming up, I saw from the corner of my eye a familiar face.

Bucky's POV

I hate school. Bottom line. Bucky Barnes may be from a rich family, but he's no academic. I rather hang out, throw cars, and maybe have Sam give me a ride on his wing pack then to be here. But then there's Steve.

Steve Rogers. My ex best friend since birth. I could go on and on about how tragic our friendship ended, but I don't have the time.

I understand why Steve stopped talking to me, he wanted space to breath after witnessing the death of his parents. I just thought the space would end by now.

All I did was ask how he was and he took off like I had the plague. I was just finished talking to Thor when I saw him eyeing me in front of the main doors.

I almost forgot how he looked. His big blue eyes were looking at me as if he was searching for answers.

"Hey Barnes, we have class now. You know that thing you need to pass in order to go on adult missions?" Scott said from behind me.

"Sorry, I just spaced out for a sec," I said and followed him to our first class, math. I hate it.


"Scott, I don't think I can do this," I said halfway through the lesson.

"Yes you can, its simple geometry," he said.

"No, I mean giving Steve space. I miss my best friend," I said resting my head in my metal hand.

"Well, have you tried talking to his other friends? Maybe they'll give you a hint on why he's not talking to you still," he said and I nodded.

Class ended 2 minutes later, and I rushed out not even caring that I left a dent in the doorframe.

"Bucky!" I turned and saw Wanda walking towards me with her books flying next to her.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"I just got the biggest history packet in the world, and a Steve update," she said and now I was paying attention.

"I'm listening," I said leaning on a locker.

"Track starts on Thursday, and the meet is on Friday. You and I both know who's going to be there," she said and I was lost.

"Uh, who?" I asked titling my head in confusion.

"You're lucky I like you or else I'd slam your head against the wall. Steve is going to be there. I heard him and Sam talking in class and he's joining this year," she said.

"You really think if I go he'll talk to me?" I asked.

"He'll come around, I can sense it," she said and I laughed and we walked to our next hour long class.

What Bucky didn't know is that someone was listening in on their conversation...

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