Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: My Bucky

Steve's POV

I knew since November that I would join SHEILD on missions, its February now and they called me to meet them today, being the 13th. Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, and I'm hoping they don't send me away where Bucky and I can't have our first Valentine's Day together. I already have his gift, Tony helped me pick it out and made a few other suggestions that had me punch him on the arm a few times.

"SO," Tony was bothering me all day. Bruce had been away for 3 days and he's coming back tomorrow, so Tony was following me around like a lost puppy since then.

"What Tony?" I asked still focused on my episode of FRIENDS on the television.

"Are you and Bucky going to do the do or what?"

I blushed and looked at him in shock.

"What? No," I shook my head and he laughed.

Tony is always teasing me about this stuff. I get it that he and Bruce are sexually active, but I won't do anything Bucky isn't comfortable with. Especially that.

"What have you done? Blowjob? Handjob? Fing-

"Ok stop, that's none of your business," I said and he frowned.

"You know I can just have JARVIS pull up camera footage from your room," he said and I chuckled.

"Jokes on you, we do stuff at his place," I said and then blushed when I realized what I just said. Tony jumped on the couch and I knew this wasn't going away anytime soon.

"I knew it! I knew it! And here I thought my roommate was a prude,"

I rolled my eyes and hit his leg causing him to fall. It was my turn to laugh.

"But we haven't done it, if that's what you want to know so badly. We do other stuff, I just don't want to do anything he's not comfortable with," I said and he nodded in understanding.

"I get it, but just in case," he said and threw me condom.

"Tony! I swear these things are all over the house," I said throwing it back at him and he laughed.

"Guilty," he smirked and I'm still shocked I haven't moved somewhere else. No matter how many times Tony makes fun of me, I still love him. He's the brother I never had.

"I'm just curious, does he use his metal hand or his real hand to-

"You're done,"


While my Saturday consisted of FRIENDS re-runs, and Tony making me cook for him, I took the jet to SHEILD headquarters to meet with Director Fury.

"Hi, I'm Steve Rogers here to see Nick Fury," I told the woman at the desk, Maria Hill, and she guided me through the large building until we were in the room where Fury and a few other SHEILD agents were.

"Captain Rogers, glad you could join us," he said and I shook his hand.

I looked around the room and spotted Wade, Clint, Nat, and Thor. I waved at them and now I'm confused. I thought it was just me.

"Sir, it's an honor," I took my seat and he began speaking.

"There's been strange Hydra activity in Wakanda, and I need you all to pack your things and get ready to leave Monday morning for a year. This is your chance to show the world, and SHEILD, that you have what it takes to protect our country," Fury then showed us a slide show of some of the hyrda men in charge and I recognized one of them from the dance. He's the one who hurt Bucky.

"My Hero, My Bucky" a Stucky FanficWhere stories live. Discover now