Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: New suit

Steve's POV

After school, Bucky decided to invite Wade and Sam to Chipotle. I honestly wanted it to be just the two of us, but I thought since its Wades first day at Marvel Prep he would want to hang out with us. He likes us 'cupcakes' the most, Sam is only with us to avoid going home to study.

"What will it be?" the woman behind the counter asked us.

"Ok, I'll have the tacos, a burrito, a bowl with chicken, aaaaaaand...another bowl with steak," Wade said and we all looked at him wide eyed, and the woman asked another worker for help with his order. He's so skinny, where does it all go?

"Brown rice," I said when asked what rice I wanted.

"Who the hell gets brown rice?" Wade asked paying for his 4 course meal plus a bag of chips and a large drink.

"I've never been here," Bucky said and Wade dropped the taco from his gloved hand, and we all turned to Bucky who was beet red from what he said.

"That explains why you got a salad bowl," Wade said stuffing his burrito and taco in his mouth all at once.

"I'm more of a McDonalds kind of guy, plus this place is expensive as fuck," he said and I nodded in agreement.

"Well when you have money from grandma you can go all out!" Wade exclaimed a little too loud.

"Hey is that Parker?" Sam asked sipping his water.

"Oh my god!" Wade yelled and hid under the table.

We all looked under the table to see him curled in a ball, and still stuffing his mouth with food. Peter doesn't even know us, so why would he hide?

"Wade, get up from down there!" Sam exclaimed and Peter walked past us and left.

"He's gone," Bucky said and Wade looked around before sitting back down.

"What's going on?" I asked and he sighed.

"I'm just being an idiot," he said and Sam laughed and we looked at him to shut up, because obviously Wade wasn't done talking. I gestured for him to continue and he explained how he's always been nervous to talk to anyone he likes, and that he's afraid Peter will reject him because he's always in his suit and mask. I told him Peter might like him for who he is, and won't mind all the scars he has.

"How do you even start a conversation? Like 'Hey! I'm Deadpool, I like killing people, tacos, and long walks on the beach'", he said and I frowned knowing exactly what he's going through.

"C'mon man, take it from me. First, you gotta talk interests, find out what he likes, dislikes, what his favorite band is, what candle scent he prefers, all that gay stuff," Sam said and Bucky hit his shoulder and rolled his eyes.

"Not everything has to be gay Sam. Wade, just be yourself and you'll be fine," I said and he nodded.

After a few minutes, we decided to leave and Wade left with Sam, and I with Bucky.


Bucky's POV

After Wade's dramatic scene at Chipotle, we parted ways and Steve drove me home. I haven't told my parents we're together, and they're never home so I'm sure one day, hopefully, they'll accept my relationship with Steve. I'm not sure it they support gay rights, but it's not like me to hide these things from them.

"Are you're parents here?" Steve asked as I opened the door, and I shook my head 'no'.

"They left yesterday to Paris for the week," I said frowning a bit. I don't mind them being gone, but I don't exactly see them every day.

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