Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Parents

Bucky's POV

None of us really see our parents since most of them work for SHEILD, like my own and Tony's, but when they do come home it's a surprise for all of us. Especially today.

It was a regular night, and Steve and I were cuddled asleep in bed when disaster struck.

"JAMES! We're home"

Steve was sound asleep on my chest and I opened one eye and saw the hallway light was on. I shot up from my spot on the bed causing Steve to whine at the loss of contact. My bedroom door opened and my dad turned on the light causing Steve to open his eyes.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" my dad yelled and my heart was beating so fast.

My parents knew I was gay, but they weren't too excited about it.

"Dad it's not what it looks like, we were sleeping!" I exclaimed and Steve just sat there embarrassed because we both had no shirts on, and I was covered in a few hickeys.

"Yeah? And since when does sleeping involve sexual activity!" he said gesturing to the marks on my torso.

My face must be really red at this point, from embarrassment and rage.

"Sir, I can assure you we weren't doing anything-

"Shut up! I want you out!" my dad yelled and I was about to object but my mom gave me the look.

Steve gathered his clothes, and with one last look at me he left.

"We'll talk about this in the morning," my dad scolded and shut the door behind him.

My mom didn't even defend me, she never does.


I was dreading waking up this morning, and I couldn't sleep at all without Steve beside me. I pulled on a pair of sweats and a plain white shirt and went downstairs to see my mom making breakfast and my dad sipping his coffee.

"Morning James," he said and I cringed. They refuse to call me Bucky, and I stopped trying to convince them years ago but no luck. James is my name when their around.

"Morning," I said and my mom set a plate of pancakes in front of me. I thanked her and quietly ate until my dad started to speak.

"Your mother and I talked last night, and we came to the conclusion that I overreacted," he said.

"Dad, I love Steve ok? You can't stop me from seeing h- wait what?"

"I said I overreacted, and I want to invite him over to dinner tonight, how does that sound?" he asked and I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Wow, ok. I'll tell him today, thank you guys," I smiled and he patted me on the back and went off to his office.

"I'm surprised it's Steve Rogers! My son is dating Captain America! The girls at my book club are going to go nuts!" my mom said typing on her phone.

"Mom please, we've been dating for two months," I said and she looked at me shocked.

"Two months! Wow we missed a lot," she said.

"Yeah, time flies," I said and got up from my seat and went upstairs to change for school.

I texted Steve that I would be there in 10 minutes, and he replied back within seconds.

Wow, I thought your dad killed you when I left. Glad to know you're alive

I chuckled and responded.

"My Hero, My Bucky" a Stucky FanficWhere stories live. Discover now