Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: My Hero

Steve's POV

I was in the shower when I heard Bucky's scream. Almost slipping in the shower, I rushed out in just a towel and saw him lying unconscious on my bedroom floor. I lifted him up and held him in my arms. I saw a blinking red dot on his metal arm, and saw it wasn't functioning. His face was pale, and he wasn't breathing. I told JARVIS to get Tony, and he scanned Bucky's body. Tears were streaming down my face, and Tony and Bruce rushed into my room.

"Oh my god," Bruce said kneeling down next to check his pulse, while I stroked Bucky's hair.

"His organs aren't functioning normally, whatever Hydra put in his arm is in his system" Tony said looking at the hologram tablet in his hand.

"He's not breathing!" I sobbed while cradling Bucky in my arms.

Please be ok

Tony had already called SHEILD, and medics filled the room and took Bucky on a gurney. Tony had his hand on my shoulder, telling me everything was going to be alright. But not without Bucky, anything without Bucky isn't alright.


SHEILD was holding Bucky until he woke up. It's been a week, and I never felt emptier in my entire life. The school was back in its normal state, and everyone went about their day as if we weren't attacked last week. My classes were longer since Bucky wasn't here to tell his lame jokes, training was boring without Bucky telling me how hot I looked in my suit, Lunch was annoying without Bucky feeding me and making pouty faces when I would object, Spanish was pointless without Bucky calling me papichulo (the only word he knew), and life in general was empty without Bucky.

"Steve, when was the last time you went out?" Tony asked from the door of my room. I was sketching Bucky, if that wasn't already expected. I hadn't showered since they took him, and my hair was a mess with a few Dorito bags littering my room and my hair was greasy.

"I dunno," I said looking at my paper.

"Sir, Nicky Fury of SHEILD is on the line," JARVIS said and my eyes widened and I grabbed the phone from my bed side.

"Hello?" I asked and Fury was telling me that Bucky was doing alright, but he's having trouble with his metal arm.

"He's awake," Fury said and I told him I'm on my way.

"Are we able to visit lover boy?" Tony asked and I nodded and slipped my converse on.

"Great, I'll fire up the jet,"

Bucky's POV

Ugh where am I? The last thing I remember is hearing Steve screaming my name, and the pain in my metal arm. I opened my eyes, and saw I was in a hospital gown. My metal arm had wires in it, and I could wiggle my fingers and I sighed in relief.

"Mr. Barnes, you're awake," I saw Nick Fury standing at the doorway and I titled my head in confusion.

"Where am I? How long have I been here?" I asked examining the room I was in.

"It's been a week. You're at SHEILD, Captain Rogers found you unconscious in his room along with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner," he said and I looked at him wide eyed at the mention of Steve's name.

"Calm down son, he knows you're here. He's on his way," he said and I sighed and laid my head back down on the pillow.

"What about my arm?" I asked looking at the wires.

"Hydra had injected a liquid in your arm that caused it to mal function and almost killed you if we hadn't removed it in time," he said.

"Thank you," I said and he nodded and closed the door behind him.

"My Hero, My Bucky" a Stucky FanficWhere stories live. Discover now